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Biden on ‘Ugraine,’ ‘Prussian oil’ and other weekend disasters
Now the state-run media are pretending to be shocked, shocked to learn that Dementia Joe Biden is not of sound mind…
This week on Massachusetts ‘Judges Gone Wild’ …
Not all Massachusetts judges are corrupt and/or sleazy, it’s just that 98% of them who give such a bad rap to the…
Massachusetts Dems to drivers: Drop dead!
At least this time the Republicans got a roll-call vote, 29-11, but the headline at the State House didn’t change.
‘Fatz’ and his opioid gang in all their selfie glory
And so farewell, Vincent “Fatz” Caruso, aspiring rapper, YouTube auteur, North Shore fentanyl kingpin, and now, for…
Oh, now we remember Hunter Biden and his laptop?
Shazam! Who knew! The truth is, everybody knew. For 16 months, though, it went against party orthodoxy to…
Brand-new moral panic fuels the left
I live in the wokest of woke neighborhoods – cutting edge when it comes to trendy yard signs.
Is Monica Cannon-Grant still the Globe’s woman of the year?
Look on the bright side, Monica Cannon-Grant — at least the feds didn’t videotape you stuffing marked $100 bills…
If you need a laugh, here’s Mitt Romney 2024
I suppose you could call it this week’s comic relief: a trial balloon for Mitt Romney for president in 2024.
Taxpayers road kill as lawmakers fail to cut 24-cent gas tax
The good news is, the Republicans in the Legislature at least made the (futile) gesture Wednesday of trying to…
Charlie Baker’s COVID dictatorship thankfully ending soon
The world is on fire but that didn’t stop Gov. Charlie Baker and his lame duck Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito from blowing…