Holly Robichaud
Holly Robichaud has over 30 years of experience in managing campaigns at the local, state, and federal levels and is the principal owner of Tuesday Associates, where she has earned multiple Pollie Awards as well as the prestigious Reed Award from Campaigns & Elections. Holly has worked and trained GOP candidates in 35 states. Presently, Holly is the lead instructor for the National Federation of Republican Women. Her efforts have produced hundreds of winners. She has previously taught for AM PAC, the Leadership Institute, and Winning Campaigns magazine.
The Case for Deaton is Simple: Get Warren Out
Our U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is like a cicada bug. Instead of showing up every 17 years, she pops up on the!-->…
How generous! A plan for *free* community college
Beacon Hill is at it again with taxpayer abuse.
Can the working people in Massachusetts get a restraining order!-->!-->!-->…
Meet Healey’s trial balloon, Monica Tibbits-Nutt
Are we really supposed to believe that Governor Maura Healey is rescuing us from new tolls?
If you are falling!-->!-->!-->…
Lots for illegals, but no mo’ dough for MA
We are entering a very dangerous time of the year for taxpayers. Just a few days after we send money from our!-->…
The Next Taxachusetts Attack
With Gov. Maura Healey’s recent launch of television commercials, she wants us all to think that we are safe from!-->…
For Healey “Going Green” means spending your tax dollars
One of the first actions Healey took was to create a new six-figure job of Climate Change Czar.
Bay State breaks the bank and illegals cash in
Do you remember when then-Rep. Peter Durant in 2022 tried to suspend the gas tax because prices were so high?!-->…