19 Questions for the Mysterious Maura Healey

Where are the 22 illegal aliens that were “removed” now?


Governor Maura Healey wants Republicans in the US Senate to go on the record as to whether or not they will safeguard contraception. 

Why is she focused on the Senate? Is she running for the Senate? Or does she have severe jet lag from her latest expensive taxpayer-funded international junket?

I think Healey should be the last person demanding answers from anyone!

When she ran for the Corner Office, she promised to be the most transparent Governor in the history of the Commonwealth.

Less than two years into her administration, she has proven to be the least transparent governor ever. As you may remember, Gov. Deval Patrick was the one who released the data on how much illegals were costing us in health care and welfare costs. Now we cannot even get an accurate number of how many she is housing and where.

So, if Healey thinks it is appropriate for her to demand answers from US Senators not from Massachusetts, I believe we the taxpayers deserve answers as well. Here are a few questions I challenge her to answer:

  1. How many illegal immigrants or as she calls them newcomers are we housing?
  2. Will you open your home in Arlington to illegals?
  3. Do you think homeless veterans should be first in line to get housing from the state?
  4. How many hotels has the state contracted with? How long are the contracts?
  5. Are you fixing up Otis Air National Guard Base or any other part of Joint Base Cape Cod to house illegals?
  6. How many background checks have you done?
  7. Why did you remove 22 illegals from the hotels?  Where are they now?  Why didn’t you turn them over to law enforcement?
  8. How many illegals are in the state’s “home base’ program?
  9. How many phones has the state given out to illegals?
  10. Are illegals being registered to vote at the RMV?
  11. Why do you think the Governor’s office is exempt from the Public Records Law?
  12. Should the legislature be audited?
  13. What is the amount of bonding debt that will max out our state’s credit?
  14. How much has the state spent on room service for the illegals?
  15. How much has the state spent on dry cleaning for the illegals?
  16. Why couldn’t your campaign account fund the trip to Italy?  Why did you charge it to the taxpayers? 
  17. How many tax and toll increases is your Transportation Funding Task Force considering? Why isn’t the so-called millionaires’ tax enough to repair the roads?
  18. What have the 1000 new employees at the MBTA accomplished?
  19. How much are the taxpayers spending on all your new climate change crusaders?

Gov. Healey should focus on her job instead of national politics.  She has no right to demand answers from anyone else when she doesn’t feel obligated to answer to the people who pay her salary. 

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