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Howie’s Columns
Nevertheless, Charlie Baker persisted …
It’s eight female judicial nominees in a row now for Tall Deval, and I don’t care if he never appoints another man…
Hey Amazon, thanks for nothing
Thanks for nothing, Amazon, and I really mean that.
Thank you for not picking Boston for your second…
Never Trumpers at it again
The Democrats are still trying to steal a few elections here and there – it’s what they do, after all -- but…
Dems’ fury aimed at Andover Rep. Jim Lyons
How much do the moonbats hate Rep. Jim Lyons of Andover?
They hate him so much that both Barack Obama and Hillary…
Charlie Baker should be outed as a Democrat for second term
Congratulations to Gov. Charlie Baker on his reelection.
Now, Tall Deval, it’s time to do the right thing –…
Whitey Bulger instilled fear inside mayor’s office
Just how cowed was the entire city of Boston, top to bottom, when Whitey Bulger was in the middle of his…
Liz Warren is in a state of confusion
Is the fake Indian from the state of Massachusetts, or a state of confusion?
Sen. Elizabeth Warren is lucky the…
Something to chew on for suspect in Whitey Bulger’s slaying
You know this Mob thug from Springfield, Fotios “Freddy” Geas, the main suspect in the murder of Whitey Bulger?
Whitey Bulger’s death leaves legacy of destruction, questions about missing millions
Two final questions remain: Where are Whitey’s millions, his ill-gotten gains in cocaine cash?
And who’s got it,…
Zip your lips, don’t blame Trump
Can we please not talk about President Donald Trump for a day or so?
President Trump didn’t shoot up the Tree of…