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Petition calls for a return to sanity
If you want to express your resistance to this latest giveaway, this weekend you might take a moment to sign the…
John Kerry, Anthony Fauci have overstayed their hack jobs
If Anthony Fauci is finally, FINALLY headed for the exit, can John Forbes Kerry be far behind?
Enduring Biden’s corruption and incompetence
After stumbling off Air Force One, he vowed to "keep alive the truth and honor of the Holocaust."
Democrats turning US into Venezuela
Once a fading memory in the United States, inflation is now out of control in the catastrophe that is Dementia Joe…
Democrats look ill from too many ‘bogoda’ breakfast tacos
The wheels are coming off the Democrats’ wagon, and not just in Washington either.
Massachusetts common origin for members of the Brotherhood of the Liberal World Order
Why is it that the most smug, entitled, tone-deaf, trust-funded supercilious pajama boys always turn out to be from…
Petition drive hits the gas over licenses for illegal immigrants
Are you angry about what’s happening in America but don’t want to have to wait until election day Nov. 8 to…
More of Biden’s Greatest Hits, Independence Day edition
It’s time for Weekend at Biden’s, the Independence Day edition.