3 Americans Freed from North Korea Return – 5.10.18 (Hour 1)
If you thought the amazing moment 3 Americans returned from North Korea would stop CNN and MSNBC from hating on…
Healey, Farak and More – 5.9.18 (Hour 4)
Howie can't believe the statements a NJ congresswoman is making with a straight face. A case out of Boston does not…
Take the money and run! 5.9.18 (Hour 3)
Howie loves stories about free money! Want to know what Howie would do if he found a bag of money on the highway?…
CHUMP LINE – 5.9.18
Obama's bad deals, an unqualified pug and a few songs all make for a great Chump Line.…
Moonbats go nuts over Trump pulling out of Iran Deal- 5.9.18 (Hour 2)
Howie loves the hypocritical reactions from the Left after President Trump's announcement on the Iranian Deal.…
Pompeo, Iran and Scheiderman – 5.9.18 (Hour 1)
Howie discusses everything from the freed Americans coming home from North Korea, to Eric Scheiderman's blind date…
Maura Healey cozies up to some bad hombres
Until Monday night, they were the gold-dust twins of the Democrat Resistance.
“New York AG Eric Schneiderman and…
Yawkey, Fenway and the Name Game – 5.8.18 (Hour 4)
Howie talks about a number of stories including Yawkey Way and a dog named Chief.…
Avenatti, Iran and Schneiderman – 5.8.18 (Hour 3)
Howie discusses Stormy Daniel's flunky lawyer and other news.…
CHUMP LINE – 5.8.18
Eric Schneiderman is not just a jerk, he's a creep. And this Chump Line is not letting him off easy.…