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Warren’s ‘efforts’ for Cape constituents a bridge not far enough

Despite having Democrats in complete control of Congress, the Senate, and the White House for two years, Warren dropped the ball in obtaining funding for the Cape Cod bridges.

It has been said that politicians need to be changed like diapers. Elizabeth Warren is one of those politicians who needs to go.

Putting aside her extreme liberal agenda, which is hard to do, she has been a complete failure for the people of Massachusetts. She has spent her time in office enriching herself with book sales and building her profile for higher office. Warren has not put in the hard work advocating for our state. And her failure is going to hurt our economy and kill our tourism industry. 

Despite having Democrats in complete control of Congress, the Senate, and the White House for two years, Warren dropped the ball in obtaining funding for the Cape Cod bridges. Even now with Democrats controlling the Senate and White House, no funding is coming our way. As the senior Senator, she is to blame.

While we have all made fun of her for calling Bourne “Bern,” it is no laughing matter that we are now at a critical juncture. The Sagamore and Bourne bridges need total overhauls. The Sagamore Bridge is just three short years away from having to be completely closed for repairs. This deadline is coming quicker than her liberal predictions of the end of the world due to climate change. 

When just one lane has been shut down on the Sagamore bridge during the non-peak season, the back-up on Route 6 has been miles with drivers waiting hours to exit the Cape. If the Sagamore is completely closed, we might as well shut down the Cape. 

With her failure to secure the funding a likely issue in her reelection campaign next year, Warren put out a statement on how she has been “advocating for funding for 10 years.” She has sent letters to Cape Cod elected leaders asking them to send her information on how the bridges affect their lives. Huh?

If she has been “advocating” for a decade, why doesn’t she know? 

This letter is just another Warren political stunt to get her name in the papers to try to fool voters on the issue. It is just like her election year “town halls.” She is MIA from Massachusetts for years at a time and then holds these photo ops for the lapdog press to fawn all over her as if she has been here the entire time.

After 10 years, it is time to elect a senator who will make Massachusetts a priority. Someone, please run against her!

Someone serious, that is.

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