Journalism in the News: CNN Producer arrested, Jussie Smollett won’t say he is sorry…
Grace this hour gives us 'Journalism in the News' with a CNN Producer who was arrested allegedly inducing minors!-->…
Make it stop: Joe and Jill bring the cringe during TV interviews – 12.13.21 –…
It was a Biden filled weekend with Joe on Fallon and "Dr." Jill appeared on CBS to push Build Back Better!-->…
These are among the stories I'll be talking about during today's show:
Gov. Polis leaves mask mandates to!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
The WSJ makes Kamala Harris a non-person
Peggy Noonan is a hack’s hack, which is why her weekend column in The Wall Street Journal is well-worth not…
Unleashed with Dr. Matt – 12.10.21 – Hour 4
Howie this hour is joined by Dr. Matt the vet to answer all your pet questions.
Police Blotter Fax Friday – 12.10.21 – Hour 3
Howie and Grace givve us the most outrageous stories from your local constabulary and also Howie reacts to the!-->…
A Tribute to Brian Williams – 12.10.21 – Hour 2
Brian Williams signed off last night so Howie pays tribute to his years of service.
Fake Hate Crime are All the Rage – 12.10.21 – Hour 1
Howie talks about fake hate crimes in the news including the Jussie Smollett case that we just heard the verdict!-->…