Bourne, Booker and More – 10.22.18 (Hour 1)
Howie discusses a variety of issues including the debates between Diehl and Warren, the allegations against Cory…
The Caravan Problem – 10.22.18 (Hour 2)
Howie talks to Ann Coulter about the caravan, the wall and the huge immigration problems facing the US.…
Charlie Baker needs political DNA test
Democrat get-together at WGBH – I haven’t seen a pol go that slack-jawed since 2011 when Rick Perry forgot the…
Another State Police Scandal – (Hour 4) 10.19.18
Caravan of migrating ‘Democrats’ headed this way
The welfare caravan is making its way north, to create a “humanitarian crisis” at the southern border just in time…
Saudi Arabia, Discrimination and More – 10.18.18 (Hour 4)
Howie covers a variety of issues including discrimination, Saudi Arabia and Democrat double standards.…
Charlie Baker, Jeb Bush and Basketball – 10.18.18 (Hour 1)
Howie and Grace might have a basketball game after all. Charlie Baker is a wimp and Jeb Bush is nowhere to be…