That’s all there is, and that’s all, folks
that all there is? Is that all there is? If that’s all there is my friends,
then let’s keep dancing.”
Mueller Report Release – 4.18.19 (Hour 4)
Howie discusses the fall of the collusion delusion.
CHUMP LINE – 4.18.19
Bill Barr's press conference and the Mueller report make for an A+ Chump Line.
Mueller Report Release – 4.18.19 (Hour 3)
Howie talks to Corey Lewandowski about the Mueller report.
Mueller Report Release – 4.18.19 (Hour 2)
Joe diGenova calls in to give his take on the newly released Mueller report. Later, Grace delivers the news and!-->…
Mueller Report Release – 4.18.19 (Hour 1)
Howie breaks down Bill Barr's press conference, the Mueller report and the subsequent breakdown from the MSM.!-->…
Massachusetts 2020 Candidates – 4.17.19 (Hour 4)
Between Seth Moulton and Elizabeth Warren, Mass is getting plenty of play in the 2020 spotlight.
What would you do? 4.17.19 (Hour 3)
A man got the wrong TV...and now he is under arrest. Tune in to this interesting hour.
CHUMP LINE – 4.17.19
Susan Collins is NOT happy about Grace's May birthday party. Tune in to the Chump Line to find out why the Senator!-->…
AOC, Dems and Charitable Donations – 4.17.19 (Hour 1)
Howie discusses the Democrats running in 2020.