Hillary Clinton is a Broadway Producer Now
Is Suffs short for suffragists or insufferables?
Politics, diplomacy, and bombing Third World nations like Libya are all so yesterday. Hillary Clinton has entered the world of showbiz, and it looks like she’s here to stay.
A while back, Hillary teamed up with her daughter Chelsea Clinton to host the insufferable Netflix miniseries Gutsy, where the duo invited female (and transgender) Democrats, among them rapper Megan Thee Stallion and sports “journalist” Jemele Hill, to describe their day-to-day patriarchy-smashing endeavors.
Now, Hillary has set her eyes on live performance. She, along with Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai, earned honorary Producer titles for the new Broadway musical, Suffs.
Suffs, short for “suffragists,” premiered off-Broadway in 2022. The musical allegedly chronicles the era of Alice Paul, Ida B. Wells, and the rest of the women during the campaign that culminated in the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920.
Then, late last year, after convincing former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to join the team as “producer,” the troupe secured a theater on Broadway this spring.
Shain Taub is the playwright and composer, as well as the actress playing the role of Alice Paul. Taub admits she knew nothing about the suffragists prior to this project.
Taking ahistorical liberties throughout the 2 hours and 45 minutes of misplaced feminism, Suffs features songs like “Great American B*tch” with lyrics promoting violence toward men and “scratching your own itch.” Nice.
The slur is also plastered on merchandise available for sale.

Predictably, Clinton is using her debut as “producer” as a platform for Joe Biden’s re-election campaign. The runner-up in the 2016 presidential race joined Jimmy Fallon to discuss the musical. As the two donned gigantic hats, the conversation devolved into Clinton’s lamentations for the need to have an election considering that “one candidate” has been charged with 91 felonies.
“Get over it,” she lectures anyone not keen on four more years of Joe Biden.
The cast and crew of Suffs, it appears, is on board with Clinton’s quid pro quo. For the name, image, and likeness of Hillary, they must also push, not-so-inconspicuously, liberal women to the ballot box.
In a glowing piece in the New York Times, each actress recalls the empowerment she felt voting for the first time. Barack Obama’s name appears several times throughout the story.
Then last week, Bill Clinton and Lin-Manuel Miranda (the Hamilton guy, for those who don’t keep up with Democrat musicals) joined Hillary at a special performance of Suffs in which ticket proceeds would benefit—you guessed it—the Biden Victory Fund.
In a video titled, “Why Suffs, Why Now,” the cast and crew explain the urgency of the show.
“Women’s rights are under attack,” says (real) producer Rachel Sussman. Huh? What rights did women have in 1920 that are up for debate today?
Some would describe the cast as all-female—yes, even President Woodrow Wilson is played by female actress Grace McLean. But those nattering nabobs of negativism would be swiftly corrected by the thespian community, since Hawley Gould (formerly Holly Gould), a self-described “they/them,” is the understudy for Alice Paul.
Sweat and tears were poured into the real women’s equality movement (which would have succeeded decades earlier if not for opposition from, you guessed it, the Democrat party.)
After everything they did for the future generations of American women, Paul and Wells would laugh in the face of the ungrateful actress who preferred to be called a “them.”
It’s a classic logical hiccup in Leftism. Once “the cause” is opened up to unfettered pandering, acceptance, and inclusion, the movement is hijacked by those who once called themselves allies.
Feminism—the 1910s kind—only works if womanhood is a circumstance, not a costume to take off when being a fictitious new category of “oppressed” becomes more convenient – and more profitable.
To quote the real Alice Paul, “I never thought that there was any other choice for me but to be a feminist.”
A mere century later, Paul would be astonished to learn there are many other…choices. Just ask Mx. Gould.
The Clinton musical is partnered with the ERA Coalition to push abortion on-demand and pass radical LGBTQ+ legislation. The real Suffs would be rolling in their graves.
Alice Paul, Ida B. Wells, Inez Milholland—all disciples of Susan B. Anthony—were vehemently against what today’s “feminists” stand for. These women were proudly non-violent. They called abortion “legal murder” and “ultimate exploitation.”
They would laugh in the face of a Dylan Mulvaney-type who cosplays as a woman for money.
No matter how much history has been wasted on a high-pitched three-hour performance, admittedly, naming a Clinton as the “producer” of your musical is brilliant business strategy. Suddenly the vast majority of reviews for Suffs are positive, and doors have opened left and right for Shaina Taub.
It appears the same rules apply on the Great White Way as for Democrat superdelegates to the national convention.