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Howie’s Columns
It’s finally hot for all the hacks
The most offensive four-letter word in the English language right now is “work.” At least if you’re an employee of…
Public Records request to Boston Water and Sewer Commission
Here's my latest public-records request to Boston Water and Sewer Commission (BWSC). Meanwhile, they are required…
Maura Healey’s tax hike on every prescription to support illegal immigrants on welfare
If a taxpayer needs a ride somewhere, he calls an Uber. If you’re an illegal on welfare in a Healey hotel, you call…
The gang’s all here to kill and terrorize
The bad news is, Americans are probably going to have to continue providing three hots and a cot for both Elvis and…
Welcome to our world, snowflakes
Have you noticed the sudden proliferation of stories about the tragedies of hacks losing their jobs?
UMass is yet another den of high-pension hacks
Today let us ponder that realm of the Massachusetts hackerama where the parachutes they’re passing out aren’t…
My Valentine’s Day letter to the Boston Water and Sewer Commission
Now the hacks are on the clock... tick... tick... tick. Not that Michelle Wu cares about public-records laws....
ICE-ing on the cake? Deportations!
Oh no, the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) will no longer be able to “assist hundreds…
Time’s up on fake news ’60 Minutes’
CBS News has been a disgrace for decades, which explains why their ratings are lower than whale excrement.
Six-figure Massachusetts pensioners a town-sized population
Billy Bulger, the Corrupt Midget, used to be the king of hack pensions. Now at age 91, after 23 years on the dole,…