Boston’s local color includes regular sightings of ‘hundreds of open, uncapped needles’
Make it “safer” for the junkies to keep shooting up. Just keep giving them free needles. What could possibly go wrong?

All you need to know about life in the City of Boston right now is summed up in a BPD report from July 15 describing the cops’ response to a stabbing in the Mass & Cass district:
“It should be noted that Officers had to be cognizant of the hundreds of open, uncapped hypodermic needles when responding as well as numerous individuals that were also in the area. FA 81 (Lt. Staines) had to broadcast the health risks and dangers that Officers were facing when they were administering life saving first aid and scene security.”
To repeat: “hundreds of open, uncapped hypodermic needles.”
Who pays for all these needles? Got a mirror? This is now official government policy just about everywhere. Make it “safer” for the junkies to keep shooting up. Just keep giving them free needles.
What could possibly go wrong?
The whole affray described in this laconic BPD report is nothing out of the ordinary. And that’s the problem. But as you read it, ask yourself this. What if someone in any other part of the city — especially someone who is not a member of one protected class or another — was behaving this lawlessly, this dangerously?
When it was over, three free-range Americans had been hospitalized at three different city hospitals. Charges included illegal possession of multiple firearms and assault with three types of “deadly weapons” — knife, shod foot, and milk crate.
Just another Saturday night at Mass & Cass…
The party began when cops got a call to 112 Southampton St. after a report of two stabbed. Once there, they discovered a local Democrat lying in the street with stab wounds to the back.
His name: Juan Shanks, age 33. You read that right. His name is Shanks.
Shanks had been shanked.
According to the incident report, the affray started when another Biden voter, Jaden Mathieu, age 20, approached Mr. Shanks with a handgun. He didn’t shank Shanks, but according to the police report began pistol-whipping him. Then Mathieu “lost control” of the gun and dropped it.
At that point, according to the surveillance video, yet another Democrat grabbed the loose gun and made off with it. He was headed for a tent, of which there are scores, if not hundreds in the vicinity. It’s part of the local Boston color, don’t you know, like the Freedom Trail or the USS Constitution.
Meanwhile, Shanks continued getting the worst of it, the cops said, being stabbed by the guy who’d lost his gun. A woman later identified as Mikia Steed, age 39, approached the shanked Shanks and began striking him with a milk crate.
“SHANKS then gets up and chases STEED and appears to stab her several times in the lower back.”
As the woman collapses, other cops locate the guy seen on video stealing the firearm. His name is Jose Alicea. He admits to grabbing the gun and leaving it in the green tent at Southampton and Atkinson Streets.
“Alicea stated that the tent is owned by a male that he knows as ‘Smoke.’… Officers then conducted a search of the tent and recovered two firearms. Both firearms were determined to be loaded with live ammunition.”
One tent, two loaded firearms. Consider how many tents are down there. How many guns do you suppose are stashed inside by all the hundreds of bums flopping in the dismal area?
Related question: Have you tried lately to obtain a legal permit from the BPD to carry in the City of Boston? How long does it take? And if you were to get caught with an unregistered gun…
Next, consider that the cops just accept the fact that this green tent is “owned” by Mr. Smoke. It’s on a public sidewalk.
Does Mr. Smoke have any ownership paperwork filed at the Registry of Deeds for his green tent? Does he pay property taxes to the city? What’s the official valuation of the green tent?
Another question: do you have to get a zoning variance to keep multiple unregistered firearms in your tent on the sidewalk? Do the neighboring tents receive notices before the hearing at City Hall? Are the hearings required by law to be advertised in the papers?
Another thing: imagine that this green tent was located on, say, Hanover Street in the North End, and was set up for restaurant service. Had the proprietor on Hanover Street been found to be in possession, not of two guns, but of two cannolis, he would have been immediately lugged and had his liquor license pulled.
There were no such consequences, apparently, for “Smoke.”
Meanwhile, Steed had collapsed, and as she was being treated for her stab wounds, more trouble erupts.
“A black male … approached the scene wielding a machete …”
Why a machete? Because they’re not just for illegal aliens anymore.
“At the time of this report,” the cops noted at the end of their narrative, “SHANKS, STEED and MATHIEU are all currently hospitalized in stable condition and are expected to survive.”
Well, that’s a relief. Three more votes Julia Mejia can count on in the at-large City Council fight.
Thousands of delegates to the NAACP convention will soon be arriving in the city, or at least at Logan Airport. Considering the ongoing disasters with the tunnel and the T, whether the delegates will be able to get into the city itself remains an open question.
But if they survive the trek, I suggest the delegates be given a tour of Mass & Cass, to observe first-hand the great success of both the War on Poverty and Democrat party policies in general.
I would just give them one bit of advice:
“Be cognizant of the hundreds of open uncapped hypodermic needles when responding as well as numerous individuals that are also in the area.”
Celebrate diversity! But don’t get shanked like Shanks.