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“Where’s Hunter?” Tweet Beat 10.14.20

Hunter Biden’s emails might be even more interesting than Hillary Clinton’s. And he wasn’t even planning a wedding or taking yoga classes!

The NY Post broke this massive story that details all of the scandalous information contained on Hunter’s old laptop.

The NY Post reported, “The computer was dropped off at a repair shop in Biden’s home state of Delaware in April 2019, according to the store’s owner.”

And no– Biden’s son wasn’t bingeing Netflix or browsing through Facebook.

In fact– Hunter’s laptop contained an actual SMOKING GUN (see in tweet below).

Front Page Nuisance

Burisma, bathtubs and Hunter Biden. This story is HUGE. Cue the crickets from the MSM. Fear not though, we will be covering this entire story on the Howie Carr Show at 3 PM.


Judge Amy Coney Barrett got some serious attention when she only brought a blank notepad to her SCOTUS confirmation hearings. Allie Beth Stuckey summarized exactly why it is so impressive that ACB can go off the cuff. Hey Aaron- get back to us when your candidate for President can say the Pledge of Allegiance. Until then, take a hike.

Recuse Blues

This makes perfect sense to me. Recusals seem to only go one way though.

Bunch of Malarkey

The only surprising part about this story is that it came out of Axios.

This quote summarizes why we should all be appalled at America’s current media. “Biden has answered less than half as many questions from the press as Trump — 365 compared with 753 — according to a tally by the Trump campaign, which the Biden campaign didn’t dispute.”

The press claims to want transparency. But that is CLEARLY not the case.

The Speaker who cried Wolf.

This is how Democrats react when they are asked fair questions. Imagine how they would handle being asked tough questions? Don’t panic liberals– that won’t ever happen. Just a hypothetical.

I’ll be adding more tweets as the day goes on.

Happy Wednesday!

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