Whatever you say, Joe! ‘Squints’ Biden foiled again by prompter
President-(S)elect Joe Biden is the only man who can botch three things in one sentence.
There’s an old show business joke that I love: Ed Sullivan is the only man who could count to three and get two of the numbers wrong.
In that same vein, President-(S)elect Joe Biden is the only man who can botch three things in one sentence.
As Steve Guest points out, not only does Biden severely mispronounce Xavier Becerra’s name, he couldn’t even get his title right! And on top of that, he completely gave up on the sentence halfway through it.
And is it just me, or does Uncle Joe need some ocular assistance these days? Aside from the obvious mispronunciations, you would think that the constant squinting by the former VP would send up a flare to one of his aides to get him a new pair of cheaters!

Tune in to The Howie Carr Show today at 3pm to hear Howie talk about this and much more!