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Tweet Beat: The Bobulinski Bomshell – 10.22.20

There are only 12 days until the election.

And it seems that every single one of them is going to be jam-packed with bombshells.

Let’s start with the most damning update in the Hunter Biden saga.

The Text Trail…

Bobulinski bursts the Biden bubble

“Don’t mention Joe being involved…” Yikes.

If only Tony was an anonymous source who was too afraid to go on the record for fear of mean trolls on Twitter– then maybe the MSM would believe this story. Alas…

NY Post Cover

I can’t be the only one who is going to start paying for the NY Post, right?

Thank goodness there are still a few honest journalists out there.

Can the press keep claiming this story is a nothing burger?

Short answer: Yes.

Check out this recent statement from National Public Radio.

The Russia-hoax-peddling liberal elites deciding this Hunter news isn’t a “real story” would be laughable– if it weren’t so infuriating.

The folks at NPR, CNN and MSNBC had no problem wasting the American public’s time on the Mueller investigation, Trump’s impeachment and the Hillary-Clinton-funded dirty dossier.

Listen to Susan Ferrechio, the Washington Examiner’s chief congressional correspondent, point out Brian Stelter’s hypocrisy to his face.

If the audio wasn’t awesome enough…this next tweet really drives Susan’s point home.

Speaking of CNN

Oh no! People were more interested in learning about the Iran email election interference than they were in watching President Obama deliver weak jokes to a lackluster audience? How sad!

DNI John Ratcliffe owes the airport/emergency room network a MAJOR apology. There is no excuse for overshadowing their favorite President.

Fredo Cuomo in the news!

Gov. Cuomo’s little brother Chris seems to make a fool of himself on a daily basis. Whether it was his run-in with a heckler who hilariously referred to him as Fredo or his stand off with a “fat tire biker”, the guy always seems to be beefing with somebody. Today is no exception.

There are so many mask hypocrites out there:

Leslie Stahl, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Speaker Nancy “setup” Pelosi.

But Cuomo takes the cake.

Fredo, you will never be #1 in the ratings. But you definitely take the #1 spot when it comes to being a complete virtue-signaling fraud.


That is all for now but I might end up adding more tweets before the show today.

What can I say? The news never stops and the (tweet) beat goes on.

Don’t forget to tune in to the show at 3 PM!

— Grace

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