Top Mass. Dems backing candidate twice investigated for sexual assault
That was some story in the Boston Globe about the candidate’s, shall we say, questionable record with women…
I assume that all the woke Democrats who’ve endorsed the despicable Ricardo “Let ‘em Go” Arroyo for district attorney will now be asked today about their delirious, incontinent swooning over Arroyo’s fabulousness on his website
That was some story in the Boston Globe about the candidate’s, shall we say, questionable record with women, not to mention his application for admission to the bar, among other things.
I wonder why it took so long for the bow-tied bum kissers to finally put this excellent story into print. But what the hell, they eventually did do the right thing, before the early voting in the primary starts Saturday.
It must have been painful for the Globe, especially since their candidate for Suffolk County district attorney absolutely checks all the boxes, including that most important one — “Defund the Police.”
But at least now we have a better understanding of why Let ‘em Go Arroyo feels the way he does about the local constabulary. Apparently, they’ve been after him since he was in high school, before he even got his GED, back when by his own account he had to hire a lawyer because he was having so many “academic difficulties” at Madison Park.
Let’s go straight to candidate Arroyo’s website. Please, I implore you, try not to let all the encomiums that you are about to read on behalf of Let ‘em Go Arroyo destroy your confidence in the character judgments of our local Democrat grandees.
As you read their panegyrics about this guy, ask yourself: Do these “progressives” still believe all women?
When are the picket lines around Arroyo’s house going up, like #metoo crowd did at Brett Kavanaugh’s home?
We begin with Arroyo’s most prominent supporter, the fake Indian, Elizabeth Warren. Lieawatha says that her latest hero from the community supports “people’s safety, dignity and wellbeing.”
You don’t say, Fauxcahontas!
“Ricardo has worked tirelessly to address systemic racial and class inequities.”
He’s been working tirelessly, all right, but it appears that at least some of his interests seem to lie in other areas. I’ll bet the fake Indian went on the warpath when she realized another of her pals – like Carlos Henriquez before him, so many moons ago — was about to get a rocket in his pocket.
Do you suppose she sent smoke signals to the Globe, complaining about this beastly coverage of a Democrat up-and-comer?
Next, Sen. Ed Markey, also known as Mr. Frosty.
“He will bring his deep roots and experience working directly in the community to build and strengthen our justice system.”
Oh, he’s definitely working directly in the community… with deep roots.
JoJoJo Kennedy, the bust-out former Congressman, likewise uses the r-word about Let ‘em Go, saying he is “deeply rooted in the community he serves.”
The failed solon probably sees a lot of the same traits in Arroyo that his, say, uncle Jack, or his great-grandfather Joe, or his great-uncle Teddy brought to their own, uh, community services.
JoJoJo, by the way, was a very dear friend of Monica Cannon-Grant, the racial arsonist and grifter currently under indictment on multiple federal corruption charges. These Democrats really know how to pick ‘em, don’t they?
But I think their embrace of Arroyo is even more embarrassing. Just read the facts of his case, and his explanations. This payroll patriot makes Monica Cannon-Grant look like Mother Theresa.
I wonder who’s going to defend at the Globe. Haven’t a lot of them – but not all – written gushing puff pieces about him, and his wretched Panama hat-wearing daddy, or his brother?
(How’s that case in West Roxbury district court against the firefighter going, Felix Jr.? Why did you get into that scuffle with the guy?)
Back to Arroyo’s endorsements.
Meet City Councilor Kendra Lara, of Jamaica Plain. She is “excited” to endorse her fellow Boston City Councilor, because he will hold police departments “accountable.”
Because, as you can see, accountability is very important to the Arroyo family.
Then there’s rookie city councilor Gigi Coletta of East Boston. She’s more than excited – she’s “thrilled” to come out for Arroyo. Oddly, her old boss on the Council, Sen. Lydia Edwards, just endorsed Kevin Hayden, the appointed incumbent district attorney.
It appears that Sen. Edwards is not nearly as “thrilled” or “excited” about Arroyo as Kendra and Gigi – wonder what that’s all about.
Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz, another failed candidate, says she shares with Arroyo “a longtime commitment to building healthier communities and breaking cycles of violence and trauma.”
That statement is not aging well.
Former Mayor Kim Janey says that “Ricardo is unapologetic.” That much is certainly true. But I’m not so certain that Her Honor is correct that old pal is committed to a system “that treats everyone with dignity, and that cares about victims and survivors.”
Tania Fernandes Anderson, a city councilor from Dorchester, considers him “a beacon of hope for those of us engaged in the work of progressive politics.”
Nika Elugardo, a state rep, says he has “a solid character… never settling for justice for some but always fighting for all.”
Ricardo is supposed to knock on doors in Chelsea today with a few other left-wing lunatics, among them Tanisha Sullivan, who’s running for secretary of state.
Be careful residents of Chelsea. Ditto Tanisha – don’t stand too close to Let ‘em Go. Whatever he’s got might be catching.