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The Kool Aid Kult Kronicles: Part III – The Financial & Legal Wreckage of the Kool Aid Kult

We’ve discussed the Kool Aid Kult’s loss of every contested open race. Now let’s consider just how badly the party was run financially.

In January 2019 when Jim “Jones” Lyons took over the MassGOP state committee, the party had $700,000 in the bank.

Four years later, when he was ejected in disgrace and ignominy, the party was $602,000 in debt – and had nothing to show for the previous four years except the loss of dozens of political offices, without a single pickup from the Democrats.

What happened?

The Kool Aid Kult.

And now the shut-ins and crackpots are desperately trying to regain power, after demolishing the state GOP for four years. Jim Jones Lyons and his top deputy, Geoff “DoorDash” Diehl, are attempting to wrest control of the state committee from normal people so that they can complete the destruction of Massachusetts as a two-party state.

We’ve discussed the Kool Aid Kult’s loss of every contested open race. Now let’s consider just how badly the party was run financially. Since Lyons was booted as party chairman a year ago, the party has had to pay a $15,000 fine to the state for campaign-finance violations involving two other members of the cult, Sen. & Mrs. Ryan Fattman, a couple of no-account Worcester County hacks.

But that’s not all. The new GOP leadership under Amy Carnevale has also had to pay a $6,450 fine to the Federal Elections Commission for “a series of reporting errors and other FECA violations during the 2021-22 election cycles” by Lyons, Diehl et al.

Like, not bothering to file reports. This is all on the Kool Aid Kult, and now they want a second chance.

Here’s Amy Carnevale, the Trump loyalist, explaining how Lyons, the ex-Democrat hack-turned-Trump backstabber, had a “misreporting issue” that amounted to $300,000.

Because of the “misreporting,” Carnevale said, “Many local vendors had been left with unpaid bills following the 2022 cycle.”

In other words, the Kool Aid Kult stiffed them.

One vendor, Bruce Mittman, an elderly Boomer blow-in from Queens, claimed he was owed $262,000 by the MassGOP for buying ads for the hopeless Diehl campaign.

Mittman seemed an odd choice to handle buys for a Republican campaign, given who he seems to hobnob with on social media.

Mittman’s also tight with one of the slimier Democrat pols who attended Michelle Wu’s racist Christmas soiree, dodgy Suffolk County High Sheriff Steve Tompkins. Here’s Steve, in baseball cap at the Parkman House at the apartheid party To his right is Rep. Ayanna Pressley’s jailbird husband, Conan Harris, who did a 10-year prison stretch for drug trafficking.

Tompkins has been fined twice by the State Ethics Commission – mostly recently $12,300 for giving a $45,000-a-year hack job to his niece.

Mittman, the big Republican, has given Tompkins, a fellow drifter from New York, $1250 for his squalid campaigns.

The Kool Aid Kult was obviously wowed by Mittman’s, uh, credentials. Even after Diehl’s catastrophic blow-out, Mittman was on the Kult’s original list to run for state committee from the Brookline-Newton district.

Mittman claims in his court complaint that he was told that the MassGOP would pick up the costs of Diehl’s pathetic ads. But then the new leadership came up with documentation that the orders for at least some TV buys were signed by two other prominent members of the Kool Aid Kult, DoorDash’s campaign manager Amanda Orlando and treasurer Desiree Awiszio.

That campaign, Orlando spent a lot of time strategizing with Diehl and her dear friend Russell Morris about the collapse of family values in American life. Now her pal Morris will be back in court March 4 for a status hearing on his pending child rape charges.

Accused child rapist Morris and DoorDash were very close during the campaign.

Do you suppose that campaign manager Orlando & her good friend the accused child rapist came up with one of the campaign’s most believable ads?

The other signatory on the ads that cab driver DoorDash may eventually be on the hook for paying is the campaign treasurer Desiree Awiszio.

Desiree is another Kool Aid Kultist with a very interesting pedigree. She’s darn proud her daddy worked in Adolf Hitler’s Nazi army during WW2.

But wait, there’s more. There are ongoing state investigations involving the Kool Aid Kult’s spending of $53,000 on private detectives to probe the private lives of home-wrecker Maura Healey, her elderly judge girlfriend Hold It Healey just appointed to the SJC, as well as other assorted younger women.

Under Lyons, the bills were sent to a third party – even though the state Office of Campaign and Political Finance had directly warned Jim Jones Lyons months earlier that such machinations were illegal.

Lyons also paid for private eyes to pull divorce records in Dedham on another state committee member, and to track a female member he suspected of moving out of state.

As it became clear just how badly Jim Jones Lyons was behaving, even some Kool Aid Kultists began to turn against him. He didn’t even dare hold elections to replace any committee members who quit or moved away, leaving their seats vacant.

By the time Lyons was thrown out, the 80-member committee was down to 73 members, because he knew he would lose his narrow margin over the sane members of the party. Finally, he did, on a 37-34 vote.

But now he and his minion DoorDash Diehl are desperate to come back, along with minions like Mittman and Desiree with her dad’s swastika medal and Amanda Orlando with her nice friend Russell (assuming he can stay out of jail)….

If you want to know how to stop this calamitous crew from regaining power, go to howiecarrshow.com to see who you should vote for in the MA GOP state committee races.


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