UPDATE: State Police Kleptocrat Hackerama
Nothing on the level. Everything is a deal. No deal too small.
Check out “embattled” state trooper Sgt. Gary Cederquist, age 58, leaving federal court yesterday in Boston after his indictment on multiple corruption charges.
Cederquist is a very well connected hack at the CDL unit of the MSP In 2022, he made (legally) $331,000. Last year he pocketed $193K.
And yet according to the feds, he was still taking nickel-and-dime payoffs like a snow blower, a driveway repaving and cases of bottled water!
Click here for some of Cederquist’s, as well as Joel Rogers’ (pictured, 54) text messages:
You know the old saying:
Nothing on the level. Everything is a deal. No deal too small.
Just ask Sgt. Cederquist.

But wait, there’s more. His hack brother, Lt. William Cederquist, was the 2nd highest paid MSP hack on the state payroll last year while running the no-heavy-lifting “motorcycle unit” out of South Boston.
Lt. Cederquist, per state comptroller records, made $438.000 last year, after grabbing $370,000 in 2022.
Both Cederquists are thisclose to retired dept. supt Richard Warmington, who was the consigliere for bust-out ex-Col Christopher Mason, a stooge of failed Gov. Charlie Parker. They fired honest state troopers who refused to get the unsafe vaccination, but somehow couldn’t stop all the pensions to the dozens of crooked troopers.
But wait, there’s more. Even after “retiring” last year, Warmington is double-dipping. Like Mason, he slithered out of the Hyannis hackerama. Now Warmington has migrated to the office of Plymouth County DA John Cruz, last GOP prosecutor in state.
Warmington is “post retiree” per comptroller, making $106,785.22 a year.
His pension, on top of his county salary, is $142,730.40 a year, which works out to $11,894.20 a month.
His last full year in the so-called full-time MSP hackerama, Warmington made $267,000
Last year, as he “retired” in March, Warmington grabbed $106,785.99 in pay, another $189,094.65 in “leave/buy back” and in other pay $6715.56.
In other words,over $200,000 after “retiring” in March.
These people, indicted or not, are utterly shameless.
But it gets still worse. Some of the honest state troopers who refused to take the jab during the Panic that was ginned up by the Red Chinese and the Democrats to defeat Trump, are still suing the Commonwealth to get their jobs back.
There are 32 of them left (who didn’t succumb to the hackerama’s threats to get the shot) who were either forced to resign, forced to retire (if they had 20 yrs. in), those dishonorably discharged (so they can’t get rehired as LEO’s).
The plaintiffs in federal court also include the six Staties who were restored to their jobs last year by an arbitrator. Guess what — the state still hasn’t paid them the money they owe the troopers for their illegal removals from the job.
So all the corrupt staties, some of whom have actually been convicted of heinous felonies and are awaiting sentencing, are STILL getting their monthly kisses in the mail.
But the honest staties continue to get screwed over!
Illegal alien criminals from the Third World are getting billions while honest cops are screwed.
To paraphrase the line from the old Jack Nicholson movie:
“Forget Jake, it’s Massachusetts.”
In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls.