RNC focus on migrant crisis hits home

Let’s go over some of the rampant Democrat lawlessness, starting in Braintree, where a Biden burglary ring has just been broken up.

The theme of last night’s GOP convention in Milwaukee was Dementia Joe Biden’s open border and the resulting Third World crime wave and welfare chaos in the US.

Let’s go over some of the rampant Democrat lawlessness, starting in Braintree, where a Biden burglary ring has just been broken up.

Three amigos from Colombia are in custody – Carlos Ocampo-Carrillo, 47, Diana Maria Alvarado-Rosano, 34, and Lizbeth Hernandez-Gantiva, 23.

According to local cops, the illegals are part of an international burglary ring and “could also face federal immigration charges.”

I certainly hope these disappointing allegations won’t stop these parasites from voting a straight Democrat ticket in November. That’s why they’re here, after all, for the fundamental transformation of America into a Third World hellhole.

Their endless crime rampages and get-out-of-jail free cards are just more of the aliens’ perks, along with the full Tsarnaev welfare package of course.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that all of the Biden Braintree banditos have public defenders. Illegal aliens don’t pay for anything else, why would they pay for their own lawyers?

Here’s one from US District Court involving the traditional “Chelsea man.”

This Chelsea man is named Wilberto Sandoval Mariego, and he just pleaded guilty to selling fake Social Security cards and Legal Permanent Resident cards.

Once upon a time, illegals needed such cards so they could work. Now they need them so they don’t have to work – so they can get on welfare, forever.

When Sandoval Mazariego was arrested the feds said he was in possession of nine Legal Permanent Resident cards, six Social Security cards and five drivers’ licenses, as well as $17,095 in cash. Each ID allows them to collect one more cornucopia of welfare – EBT, TANF, WIC, Sect. 8, Mass Health, etc.

Another headline from the Boston US attorney’s office:

“Guatemalan Man Previously Deported Three Times Sentenced to Seven Months in Prison for Illegal Reentry.”

Gennaro Romero-Romos is just doing the drunk driving that Americans can’t be bothered doing anymore. He’s been deported three times and served two prior sentences for being a foreign thug. Last November, he was arrested for DUI.

Romero-Romos moved to Massachusetts because he heard there was no work. At least if you’re an illegal alien.

Last week in Yarmouth a “man” was arrested and charged with trying to rape a 5-year-old boy at a soccer game.

His name is Ryan Evans and he was packed off to Bridgewater State Hospital for observation. In 2021, he’d been arrested in Yarmouth and charged with, among other things, assault to rape a child.

At the time of his first arrest, his mother told the Cape Cod Times that he was Jamaican, had been brought here in 2019. He dropped out of the tenth grade.

And now the “man” is here, getting arrested every few years for allegedly trying to rape a child, and nothing ever happens to him, let alone deportation.

Who do you suppose will get Ryan Evans’ absentee ballot to vote for Dementia Joe this fall?

At least the savages flooding across our state borders haven’t killed anyone since the illegal Brazilian woman shanked her busboy boyfriend outside the Cape Cod Mall a couple of weeks ago.

In Alabama, an illegal from Honduras named Zelvin Pavon-Gomez was just arrested for manslaughter after the death of a 6-year-old girl in a car accident. The 25-year-old career criminal blew a 0.22 – almost three times the legal limit. Obviously, as so many of them do, he lacks the enzyme to metabolize 12-15 cervezas.

In California, a thrice-deported illegal alien named Jose Carmen Cardoza, age 59, was recently lugged and charged with three murders – a 32-year-old named Lisbeth Gutierrez-Salazar and her two sons.

While the family was sleeping, police said, the illegal set fire to their trailer and burned them to death.

Have you ever noticed who’s never reached for comment after one of these horrific crimes? The illegal’s employer. Because most of them don’t work. They’re living large off the US taxpayer.

Back to Boston and the US attorney’s office:

“Defendant Originally charged as ‘John Doe’ Sentenced to Three Years in Prison for Fraud and Identity Theft.”

Why do the feds keeping calling them “John Doe?” A more appropriate moniker these days would be “Juan Doe.”

As it turns out, John Doe’s real name is Jose Then. He stole some americano’s identity and has been living high on the hog “for decades.” He was assimilated enough to get in on the COVID welfare grifts – specifically, “thousands of dollars in Pandemic Unemployment Assistance benefits.

Illegals stealing welfare… stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

In Taunton, the Republican state senate candidate Kelly Dooner investigated how many “voters” have registered out of the former Clarion Hotel, which is now a state-funded flophouse for 400+ Haitian illegals.

Sixteen new Taunton “voters” are registered out of the flophouse. Eleven of those were dumped onto city voter rolls through the Registry of Motor Vehicles, which is now in a mad rush to hand out drivers’ licenses to as many undocumented Democrats as possible before election day.

In Worcester, reports are that at least 80 illegals may have already been registered out of the flophouses because… Democrats.

Of course this state is a magnet for Third Crime criminals. Not only is there more welfare, but if you’re illegal, it’s unlikely you’ll ever be charged with any crime short of murder.

Did you notice that the district attorney of Middlesex County is investigating a series of shootings in Cambridge, Somerville and Medford – as well she should be?

Yet what has DA Marian Ryan done about reports of rapes of underage girls in one of the most lawless flophouses, the old Holiday Inn in Marlborough, in her county?

Despite police reports, the illegal Democrat wasn’t arrested. Ryan’s office wouldn’t even confirm how they were brooming the case. The thug was put in a Lyft, paid for by you and me, and shipped off to another flophouse, in Worcester, a different county.

No word on whether he’s registered to vote yet or not, but we do know one thing for sure.

He’s all in for Joe Biden. All the illegal alien Third World criminals are. Professional courtesy.

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