Are Travel Bans Still Xenophobic? – 11.26.21 – Hour 2
Taylor talks about the hypocrisy of the Biden administration and Dr. Fauci issuing a travel ban after giving Trump!-->…
Here We Go Again with a New Variant ‘of Concern’ – 11.26.21 – Hour 1
Taylor takes over as Howie takes a slide and today the topic is the new 'Omnicron' variant with new travel bans by!-->…
Travel bans are no longer racist plus Grace and the callers talk airport misery –…
Travel bans are okay again. Plus, Grace and the listeners vent about TSA, airport lines and more.
Libby Emmons on taking the subway NYC, Star Trek and offers advice in Dear Grace –…
Seth Rogen is the reason for a whole new segment on the Grace Curley Show. Once you hear what he tweeted, you'll!-->…
Thanksgiving Throw-downs: “My aunt stormed out before we even had pie.”…
Grace and the callers discuss the aftermath of talking politics while passing the cranberry sauce. Other topics!-->…
Morning Minute – 11.25.21
Today is Thanksgiving, and i'd like to thank the geriatric-in-chief for a few things.
Most Expensive Thanksgiving in History – 11.24.21 – Hour 4
Howie this hour talks about how everything included in your Thanksgiving feast will cost you more this year from!-->…
Rush on the Radio – James Golden – 11.24.21 – Hour 3
Howie this hour is joined by James Golden aka Bo Snerdley to talk about his memories working wil Rush Limbaugh for!-->…
Thanksgiving Gas Pains – 11.24.21 – Hour 2
Howie this hour talks about the rise in gas prices this Thanksgiving season and the solution to the problem from!-->…