The Leigha Genduso scandal…Will anyone have to answer for this?
Is anyone going to lose his or her $150,000-a-year state pension over this Leigha Genduso scandal?
That’s always…
Howie wants his Social Security – 3.6.18 (Hour 2)
Sorry Chris Christie-- Howie isn't letting this one go!…
Baker, Burgers and Robots – 3.6.18 (Hour 4)
Howie can't believe Charlie Baker doesn't get more grief for all the scandals in his state. Later he discusses…
A NunBerger with a Vodka Soda on the side – 3.6.18 (Hour 1)
Howie discusses the drunken interviews a former Trump aide gave to several media outlets last night.…
A Tribute to Ronnie from Worcester – 3.6.18
Grace gives a touching tribute to her friend and favorite Chump Line caller, "Ramblin' Ronnie".…
CHUMP LINE – 3.6.18
Howie's pugs did not come here to be made sport of.
Social Security, Ronnie and More – 3.6.18 (Hour 3)
Between the Chump Line, a Ronnie Tribute and much more- you do not want to miss this hour.…
Turtleboy talks Trooper Scandal – 3.5.18 (Hour 4)
Howie discusses the State Trooper disaster with the man who broke the story.…
CHUMP LINE – 3.5.18
President Gunther! Whoops...I mean Gooner.
Haters, Gooner and Guns – 3.5.18 (Hour 3)
The haters are not letting up in today's HMM. Do not miss this jam-packed hour.…