CHUMP LINE – 3.8.18
Will the Howie Carr Presidential election be on the level? Find out in this Chump Line.…
California, Dreamers and More – 3.8.18 (Hour 2)
Howie discusses everything from Dreamers to sanctuary cities.…
Jerry Brown – 3.8.18 (Hour 1)
Howie discusses the chaos in California. Grace gets quizzed on some historical facts.…
Time for her to take the test – 3.7.18 (Hour 4)
Howie is intrigued that a newspaper is asking Lizzy Warren to take a DNA test. Mostly because he has been asking…
The Freedom Model Podcast – Ep. 1
Steve Robinson interviews the guys from the Freedom Model Retreats about their experiences with addiction and their…
Live Sugar-Free or Die – 3.7.18 (Hour 3)
Howie talks about another crazy ban being proposed in NH. Watch out kids, the politicians are coming for your soda!…
The Golden State – 3.7.18 (Hour 2)
AG Jeff Sessions is going after a California mayor...and he couldn't be more correct.…
Love Trumps Hate – 3.7.18 (Hour 1)
Howie discusses the Trump-deranged moon bats, including one who went after Dr. Sebastian Gorka last night on Fox.…