Jessica Vaughn, Illegal Aliens and the Caravan – 5.1.18 (Hour 2)
Howie discusses illegal immigration with Jessica Vaughn from the Center for Immigration Studies.…
The Kanye Effect – 5.1.18 (Hour 3)
Howie discusses musician Kanye West's recent political opinions that are driving moon bats and Hollywood crazy.…
Caravans, Illegal and Ann Coulter – 4.30.18 (Hour 2)
Howie discusses the caravan of illegal aliens that have reached the Southern Border. Ann Coulter discusses…
FAIL. 4.30.18 (Hour 1)
Howie discusses Michelle Wolf, the White House Correspondents Dinner and Sarah Huckabee Sanders.…
Turns out, Tall Deval isn’t touting it all
As part of the run-up to his coronation yesterday at the Republican state convention in Worcester, Gov. Charlie…
McKeon’s fall from grace padded by AG
Every covered-up scandal needs a designated fall guy, and yesterday disgraced ex-State Police Col. Richard McKeon…
Turtleboy, Troopers and More – 4.27.18 (Hour 4)
Howie has all the inside scoop on the State Trooper Scandal thanks to a call-in from Turtleboy and later Attorney…