Rachel Rollins – 9.7.18 (Hour 4)
Howie has several criticisms for the proposed policies of Democrat Rachel Rollins, candidate for Suffolk County…
CHUMP LINE – 9.7.18
Today's Chumps have had enough of Obama. We know! We had more than enough of him for eight years!…
PBFF – 9.7.18 (Hour 3)
Joe Piantedosi of Piantedosi Baking Company fame joins Howie and Grace for today's Police Blotter Fax Friday right…
Please go away? – 9.7.18 (Hour 2)
Seriously, Obama really let loose during his speech. But don't worry. It didn't phase Trump. He pretty much…
Go Away, Barack – 9.7.18 (Hour 1)
Former President Obama spoke at a school in Illinois today and basically ranted and raved about how great he is and…
Fake news guided by lodestar of lies
I am part of the Resistance inside the fake-news media.
Call me Anonymous.
The suits don’t know this – they’re…
Unprecedented. 9.6.18 (Hour 3)
The Democrats are convinced this NYT op-ed will take down the President. Spoiler: It won't.…
Who Is Anonymous? – 9.6.18 (Hour 2)
The slimy op-ed published by the New York Times has everyone asking who the snitch is. Howie thinks we'll know soon…