A Case of Mistaken Identity? – 9.20.18 (Hour 4)
Conservative lawyer Ed Whelan is letting loose on Twitter with a seemingly compelling argument against Christine…
Pompeo’s Smackdown on Kerry – 9.20.18 (Hour 3)
After the Chump Line, Howie is joined by State Rep. Keiko Orrall who's running to unseat Deb Goldberg as State…
CHUMP LINE – 9.20.18
Who's a better person, Brett Kavanaugh or Mitt Romney? Chumps wax poetic on this and much more during today's Chump…
Blasey Ford’s Blasé High School Days – 9.20.18 (Hour 2)
It seems Judge Kavanaugh's accuser led quite the white-privileged lifestyle while attending high school around the…
The Klutzes VS. Kavanaugh – 9.20.18 (Hour 1)
The countdown is on. Will Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testify on Monday against Judge Brett Kavanaugh with her flimsy…
Columbia Gas, Money and The Car Guy – 9.19.18 (Hour 4)
Howie discusses the recent Columbia Gas disasters. Later he talks cars with Bill Papageorge.…
Ford will not testify – 9.19.18 (Hour 1)
Christine Ford has decided she doesn't want to testify...so the Senate should VOTE ASAP.…
The FBI, SCOTUS and Trump – 9.19.18 (Hour 2)
Howie and the callers discuss the vague accusations being levied at Kavanaugh. Other topics include Brennan, the…
CHUMP LINE – 9.19.18
Howie isn't sure if Maroon 5 is a good choice for the Super Bowl halftime show. He has other suggestions.…
Tattoos, Mathews Brothers and Bob Maynes – 9.19.18 (Hour 3)
Howie and Bob Maynes discuss the outpouring of people who were willing to get Mathews Brothers neck tattoos (for…