Fake News – 6.28.18 (Hour 3)
There have been plenty of FAKE NEWS stories about President Trump, so why do journalists keep getting so mad when…
CHUMP LINE – 6.28.18
Howie and Chris Matthews might both be blondes but they are not related, despite what the Chump Line callers might…
Hardball with crazy Chris – 6.28.18 (Hour 1)
The liberals are going nuts over the news of Justice Kennedy retiring. Chris Matthews has a meltdown and Grace is…
Jim Jordan gets no answers from Rosenstein – 6.28.18 (Hour 2)
Jim Jordan is asking all the right questions but Rod "Deflection" Rosenstein is too busy smirking and playing his…
Scandals with staties tainting Baker administration
Something is rotten in the Charlie Baker administration – rotten to the core.
Almost daily there’s a new scandal…
The many scandals of the State Police – 6.27.18 (Hour 4)
Howie talks to Dennis Galvin about the State POlice.…
Welfare, inequality and the Obama administration – 6.27.18 (Hour 3)
Howie reads an interesting piece on welfare and the effect it had on the voters in 2016.…
Unions, Kennedy and a great day in the news! 6.27.18 (Hour 2)
Howie discusses the Supreme Court's ruling on unions. Later the callers try to decide who will replace Justice…
Justice Kennedy to retire! 6.27.18 (Hour 1)
Howie's heart feels like an alligator and if you're a Deplorable, yours should too. WINNING!…
CHUMP LINE – 6.27.18
The Chump Line callers are in a wonderful mood and it makes for a fabulous Chump Line.…