Chicago, Sanctuary Cities and Hate Mail – 5.22.19 (Hour 3)
Howie discusses the latest news out of Chicago, illegal immigration and more.
Boston’s hackerama spreading like weeds
hacks never die – they just plead guilty to corruption charges, move out of the
city and get a job with the!-->…
Congrats Grad! Now here’s some advice…5.21.19 (Hour 4)
Howie and the listeners give advice to some of the new grads out there.
CHUMP LINE – 5.21.19
Joe Biden's son, HRC and Kamala are all made sport of in this hilarious Chump Line.
The Economy – 5.21.19 (Hour 1)
Howie discusses the successful economy Trump has created, and how bummed out it makes the liberal Democrats.
Beto, Fox and more – 5.21.19 (Hour 2)
Beto wants a Fox Town Hall...but is Fox interesting in the fizzling candidate.
Col. Hunt and Derek Hunter – 5.20.19 (Hour 4)
Col. David Hunt joins Steve to discuss the war crimes levied against several service members who may soon be!-->…
Trump prepares pardons – 5.20.19 (Hour 3)
President Trump is possibly preparing to pardon several service members accused of war crimes. Steve takes a!-->…
CHUMP LINE – 5.20.19
Today's Chumps pick on Uncle Joe, almost spoil Game of Thrones, and we get messages from Nancy Pelosi AND Susan!-->…