Maura’s dystopian madness moves into Massachusetts
Gov. Maura Healey has flip-flopped on foreign-freeloader flophouses.
Gov. Maura Healey has flip-flopped on foreign-freeloader flophouses.
She was all in on “waves and waves” of illegal aliens invading Massachusetts until waves and waves of the criminals actually started arriving with their hands out.
She was against residency requirements at the flophouses until she was for them.
She was also demanding that her virtue-signaling constituents open their million-dollar mansions to all the statutory rapists, fentanyl dealers and domestic abusers, until… never mind.
She was against criminal background checks for the foreign thugs until she was for criminal background checks, which (she claims) her staff didn’t bother to start after she issued her “unprecedented” order last March.
And now, after 10 months of her orders being ignored, she has now again demanded that her woke staff ask the savages, pretty please, if they’ve ever done anything untoward.
Of course it’s all a big joke. She didn’t introduce any legislation to actually stop any of the $2.5-billion crime wave that she was enthusiastically promoting before Nov. 5. She sent a letter – a letter, not a postcard, so she must be serious! – to the Legislature asking them to do the dirty work she can’t be bothered with.
But nothing will really be done to end this disaster that is destabilizing the Commonwealth.
If you’re a Haitian rapist, or a Dominican fentanyl dealer with an AR 15, are you really going to tell the “Family Life Navigator” (for that is indeed what some of the social workers are called) about your service, say, in Port au Prince as a gunsel for “Barbecue” or one of the other roving bands of cannibals?
And what’s up with the so-called residency requirements? Does flopping at Logan Airport or South Station count?
And then there’s the “intent to reside” provision? I guarantee you, most taxpaying, law-abiding American citizens would be more inclined to temporarily subsidize these foreign freeloaders if they declared their intent NOT to reside here on welfare, forever, as seems to be the plan for the vast majority of them..
But as insincere as Healey’s epiphany is, imagine how dreadful her poll numbers must be if she even pretends to be in favor of something that would end the dystopian madness that the Democrats have created here.
You know the town of Needham? It’s next to Newton – need I say more? It’s been a long time since Needham was a Republican stronghold. Their state senator was born in, where else, New York.
On Tuesday, the woke electorate of Needham was offered an opportunity to become a “Gateway” community – approving the construction of more than 3,000 “affordable” housing units for the newcomers.
Affordable, as we all now understand, means free welfare housing for illegal aliens who will never support themselves. Thousands upon thousands of them. What could possibly go wrong?
Needham voted no in a landslide – 6,904-4,914.
If the Democrats have lost Needham, they’ve lost everywhere. This is why on Monday, Americans will be regaining control of America.
Today, America. Tomorrow, Massachusetts.
Everyone knows that Harry S Truman had a sign on his desk that said, “The Buck Stops Here.” The sign on Maura Healey’s desk says, “Who, Me?” That’s what her letter to the Legislature is all about — passing the buck, blaming somebody else.
She thought she and her younger gal pal would be headed to Washington this week. Maura believes she should have been in front of the Senate committee Wednesday, not Pam Bondi. But like Martha Coakley before her, Maura’s Potomac fever has broken and come to naught.
Stranded in Arlington, Maura is caught holding the bag – the $2.5-billion bag for the fundamental transformation of Massachusetts into a Third World hellhole.
I feel certain no one watched her State of the State address on TV last night.
To have given a truthful accounting of the catastrophe that is the Commonwealth right now, all she would have had to do would have been to read excerpts from her own government’s reports about how the illegal aliens are behaving on their all-expenses-paid vacations on the taxpayers.
Here are more excerpts from the 3,000 pages of Democrat dysfunction. Everything recounted here happened last spring. These are a few of the recurring phrases and themes:
“Sexually assaulted against her will…. Was released from court due to no interpreter being available… Client B picked up a chair…. Children’s whereabouts are unknown at this time…The police arrived and took the individual to the police station as he had an active warrant…. Leaving food on stove unattended… behavioral issues at school… Large knives were also confiscated from the unit….”
Here’s an incident from last April that begins with a “male began yelling at (redacted) stating that he ‘doesn’t give a bleep’ and proceeded to state that he will come back and shoot us and the whole shelter….”
That particular celebration of diversity ended when the nice young undocumented Democrat on the dole “went to back bedroom where (redacted) was lying in her bed undressed and grabbed her out of the bed screaming for her to get dressed.”
Another Haitian male screamed at him: “You should punched them. They was talking too much.”
Maura Healey tells us the foreign bums just want to work, but oddly, this atrocious incident happened at 11 o’clock in the morning. I guess the illegals all had the day off from their jobs, right?
You ask, Were the cops called? Of course not. That would have been racism. Instead, the staff had a meeting involving all the flophouse flak catchers — “the Family Life Navigator, Program Manager, Housing Specialist and Asst. Director.”
In addition to the illegals’ crimes, so many of the reports deal with one thing: welfare.
From June: “Her husband is the main provider of the house and is in charge of all funds (EBT card, WIC, cash).”
Paging the Family Life Navigator again: “(Client) in room refusing to leave while Housing Families staff was explaining again that her benefits had ended….”
Too bad Maura didn’t read some of these reports last night during her statewide televised address. Somebody once said, “You can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”
That’s one of the many lessons Maura Healey never learned at Harvard. Besides, the guy who said that was Abraham Lincoln. He was a Republican. So what did he know?