Mass. Republicans must embrace vote-by-mail scheme

We need to make lemonade out of this big lemon.

Coming soon to your mailbox!

The second round of mail-in ballot applications will be arriving in your mailbox around Sept.16, if not sooner. Please, don’t throw them away!

Like you, I am no fan of mail-in ballots. If our Founding Fathers could put their lives on the line for democracy, then we can take a few minutes out of one day to vote.  However, this is the new reality that we have been dealt for the time being.

We need to make lemonade out of this big lemon.

Earlier this summer, the first mail-in ballot applications were sent.  So far, the Democrats are leading in ballot requests. We need to catch up.


First, encourage your family and friends to complete mail-in ballot applications. Many will say I want to vote in person. Please explain to them that this is an insurance policy.

In 2012, I didn’t get to vote in the general election. That’s right, I missed it. How does a political consultant miss voting? The night before the election, my Dad had a severe medical emergency out of state. I was on the first plane out of town on election day.

You never know when an emergency may happen. 

You can still vote in person at your local precinct if you so choose. Election officials will discount/trash your mail-in or absentee ballot if it has not been counted by the time you vote in person. Hence, your mail-in ballot is your insurance policy that your voice will be heard.

Second, how many people have complained to you about the illegal aliens living large on the taxpayers’ dime in hotels? It is the number one issue angering voters in Massachusetts.

Harness that outrage to vote sooner rather than later. The Democrats are trying to gaslight voters, now saying the welfare handouts for the illegal aliens are NOT costing taxpayers over $1 billion a year. They are pretending it is “only” costing $500 million.

Who are they kidding? It’s time to send the Democrats a message. 

Finally, by doing a mail-in ballot you are helping to test the system. You are assisting in monitoring the integrity of the vote. Two years ago, I requested a mail-in ballot. When I received my ballot the envelope was marked with an “R” for Republican. Of course, I complained. Now there are no more “R” and “D” labels on the outside envelopes.

The teachers’ unions are pushing mail-in ballots to get low-info Democrats to vote. (They also say they’re planning to spend at least $10 million on the statewide referendum question to get rid of MCAS testing, but that’s a story for another day.)

We taxpayers in Massachusetts need to get every single conservative to vote. It’s not enough to complain, we must play the cards the Democrats have dealt us, even if they’re coming off the bottom of the deck, at least until we can get enough Republicans elected to end this one-party state corruption.

And that means using mail-in ballots to maximize our vote. 

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