Lucky 28 Towns Get Migrants… Guess Who Doesn’t?
The illegals are not being sent to, among other millionaire destinations, Cambridge, Brookline, Newton, Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, Chatham, Swampscott, Newburyport, Wellesley, Dover, Sherborn, Amherst…
The Healey administration has released a list of the 24 cities and towns where it is spending millions on hotels and motels for thousands of handout-demanding illegal aliens arriving from the Third World.
Oddly, however, almost all the ultra-affluent suburban communities most loudly committed to celebrating diversity have thus far been unable to provide suitable free housing for the new non-working classes.
The illegals are not being sent to, among other millionaire destinations, Cambridge, Brookline, Newton, Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, Chatham, Swampscott, Newburyport, Wellesley, Dover, Sherborn, Amherst….
Do you begin to get the picture?
These melanin-impaired preserves of the Beautiful People all have Hate Has No Home Here signs festooned on every lawn. Yet oddly they somehow remain unaffected by the Democrats’ ongoing “fundamental transformation” of America into a Third World flophouse.
To sum it up, the self-proclaimed sanctuary cities and towns are no-shows when it comes to providing sanctuary for the huddled masses yearning to live free on the arm forever.
This news about which communities are really bearing the brunt of this invasion came in a response to a demand for information from Rep. Peter Durant, R-Spencer. Durant, a candidate for the open state Senate seat formerly held by Anne Gobi, asked Gov. Healey how much money the state is spending on these welfare motels for illegals.
The letter from Healey’s office didn’t address most of Durant’s questions. But it did reveal a few interesting facts, including the two dozen state communities into which the Third World is being imported:
“Burlington, Chelsea, Chicopee, Concord, Dedham, Greenfield, Holyoke, Kingston, Marlborough, Methuen, Norton, Norwood, Peabody, Plymouth, Revere, Saugus, Shrewsbury, Sturbridge, Taunton, West Springfield, Westborough, Woburn and Worcester.”
What the hell is the People’s Republic of Concord doing on that list? Why is poor Concord being lumped in with all the mega-MAGA towns?
Now, I’m sure that the Democrats can explain why it seems that only certain types of non-woke communities are being selected for this wondrous opportunity.
We’ve heard all their excuses before. Think Martha’s Vineyard last fall, when the 50 amigos were flown in by Gov. Ron DeSantis. The National Guard quickly hustled them off the island paradise before they could set up homeless encampments on the Obama and Kerry and Larry David estates.
These pampered pukes who talk the talk always have alibis for not walking the walk.
“We are struggling to not only find physical shelter space, but also shelter providers capable of efficiently connecting families with the robust services necessary for child and family health and well-being and long-term stability.”
Shelter providers? You mean, hotels and motels. Plenty of those in the upscale towns. Wonder what the problem is?
Yes, Boston and Lawrence don’t have any “vacancies” either? But haven’t they, uh, benefitted enough already from the Immigration Reform Act of 1965?
As of June 29, Durant was informed, the state was housing “1245 families (and a total of 3853 individuals) in hotels and motels.”
No breakdown on the number of illegals vs. American citizens. I asked Durant if he knew how quickly the number of illegal indigents on the dole here had been increasing.
“A year ago,” he said, “the state was paying for 15 families.”
From 15 to 1245!
And how long will these thousands of foreign freeloaders be vacationing here, on our dime?
“Because the current hotel caseload is very new, few families have exited… in FY 23 average length of stay in EA (Emergency Assistance) was 14 months.”
And how much will this be costing those of us not in the protected classes who must work for a living? That was among the many questions left unanswered by the Democrat regime on Beacon Hill.
However, Taunton Mayor Shaunna O’Connell was so angry about the sudden closing of her city’s only hotel that she asked for the state’s contract with the Clarion Hotel.
The mayor sent me the contract yesterday. Initially, when the illegals flooded into the working-class city, the 155-room hotel was charging taxpayers $155 per room per night.
The state took all 155 rooms. Now the price has been reduced to $123 a night.
The contract also includes a “Feeding rate” — $37 a day. That includes $5 for breakfast, $14 for lunch and $18 for dinner. Per person.
The cost to the Commonwealth of those last few months in fiscal year 2023: $2,604,266.
The cost for this current year, for that single hotel: $10,727,550.
And the contract could run for as long as nine years and two months. (So much for the 14 months!)

Of course, does anyone believe that these are all the places the hacks are stashing their beloved new underclass of undocumented Democrats? Aren’t illegals also being warehoused on public property like, say, the military base in Sandwich formerly known as Otis?
And why isn’t this incredible celebration of diversity being shared by the communities who so loudly virtue-signal their ardor for flooding other people’s communities with non-American non-workers?
I refer you to a Trump-era statement by the People’s Republic of Cambridge, which remains on the city website, headlined: “City of Cambridge Remains Committed to Being a Sanctuary City.”
Of course it does!
“As a sanctuary city, Cambridge affirms the basic human rights and dignity of every human being and provides education, health and other services to all residents of Cambridge, regardless of their immigration status.”
And the foreigners are extremely grateful to all the trust-funded Harvard legacies in Cambridge. Just ask the Tsarnaevs.
Cantabridgians are so committed to being a sanctuary city that if an MS-13 gangbanger should find himself in Harvard Square, a polite metrosexual with a nose ring and purple hair would no doubt direct the amigo to the nearest Alien Arms – which would probably be in Waltham, or maybe Revere.
One other point in Maura Healey’s contract with the Taunton hotel:
“Vendor is required to inquire of a family’s preferred language at placement….”
To quote the old joke, “Press 2 for English.” Only it’s not nearly as funny as it used to be.