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Jesse Watters Medium RECKT This Feminist Vegetarian [VIDEO]

Fox News’ Jesse Watters patiently listened to a feminist academic explain why she believes eating meat reinforces the societal problem of “toxic masculinity,” all while chewing on a steak that was delivered to him mid-conversation.

Professor Anne DeLessio-Parson begins the Dec. 17 conversation by explaining that meat eating is one of a host of individual behaviors that accentuates masculine qualities that have negative societal consequences.


“Eating meat holds a lot of symbolism and it’s really too much to explain in four minutes,” Parsons says before explaining that all of our “individual level decisions” are “fundamentally political acts.”

Watters’s response is interrupted as a woman enters the set carrying a plate baring a steak and side of vegetables.

“So I’m having a steak right now because I’m starving,” Watters announces.

The Pennsylvania State University academic goes on to lecture Watters on the ethics of meat eating and at one point advocates for “universal health care for animals” as Watters continues to enjoy his meal.

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