It’s Massachusetts’ anniversary of inviting rich Democrats to take in immigrants

When the phone at the Brazilian Workers Center didn’t ring, they knew it was all the wonderful Prius-driving, Birkenstock-clad non-profit-type Beautiful People opening their doors, and their hearts — NOT!

When it comes to virtue signaling, nobody can out-pontificate a Massachusetts liberal.

But when it comes to putting their money where their mouths are… never mind.

Wednesday will be the first anniversary of the Massachusetts woke crowd’s most compassionate effort yet on behalf of the thousands of illegal-immigrant criminals who have flopped into the Commonwealth to begin their lifetime vacations on the public dole.

Even a year ago, it was abundantly clear that the state couldn’t handle this calamitous invasion from the Third World.

And so it was that the administration of Gov. Maura Healey and Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll summoned state-run media to hear their ambitious solution to the problem.

Almost exactly one year ago, on Aug. 7, 2023, the lieutenant governor waddled up to the microphones and declared:

“If you have an extra room or suite in your home, please consider hosting a family. Safe housing and shelter is our most pressing need. Become a sponsor family.”

What a marvelous idea! Particularly the reference to “suites.” They used to be called “in-law suites.”

Now, fabulously wealthy Democrat trust-funders in Brookline and Sherborn could turn their in-law suites into “outlaw suites” for ISIS terrorists and unvetted rapists from south of the border.

Driscoll continued:

“You can contact the Brazilian Workers Center for more information on how you can step up if you’re willing to have an additional family be part of your family.”

When the phone at the Brazilian Workers Center didn’t ring, they knew it was all the wonderful Prius-driving, Birkenstock-clad non-profit-type Beautiful People opening their doors, and their hearts — NOT!

It’s been a year now, with no follow-up, feel-good stories in Boston state-run media. One brief mention last winter of somebody in Brookline doing something. And, er, that’s about it.

Last week, I began calling the governor’s office, every day, asking for an official update on the Welcome-a-Third-World-Criminal-Gang-to-Your-Ritzy-Suburb program.

No call backs. Zero. Not even a cursory we’re-working-on-it. No brushoff, like, sorry, we’re saving the release of all the good news for a big presser with National Panhandler Radio on the first anniversary Wednesday.

I thought the questions I was asking were perfectly legitimate, like how many illegals have Healey and Driscoll taken into their posh suburban mansions? What about their DEI cabinet secretaries, like the crewcut DOT secretary, Monica Tibbits-Nutt.

That Buckeye blow-in pockets $196,551 a year and gets a free state car — an EV of course. Surely she and her wife can do their… fair share, right?

Democrats are willing to give illegals anything, including the shirt off… your back. Not their back, your back.

So it was perplexing last week to read the latest “informational document” the Commonwealth put out, offering the foreign flim-flammers free transportation if they can find a better place in the First World to freeload.

“If a connection is made to a friend or family member outside of Massachusetts,” the Democrats said, “the family will be provided with tickets….”

Tickets? Tickets? How dare they?

I thought that when Republican governors offered their foreign criminals transportation to woke blue jurisdictions, they were racist, nativist, xenophobic etc.

Gov. Ron DeSantis could not be reached for comment.

At that same press conference with Driscoll one year ago Wednesday, Gov. Healey said, “Our new arrivals are most eager to work.”

Really? So why are you now trying to boot them the hell out of the state, Maura? What about those outlaw suites in your supporters’ mansions? Nantucket? Martha’s Vineyard?

Instead, she’s acting just like white Southerners did with blacks in the 1960’s. But then, George Wallace and Bull Connor were Democrats too, come to think of it.

Democrats just love putting poor people on buses to get rid of them, I guess.

Governor, when you give your beloved “new arrivals” the bums’ rush out of Boston, will you be providing them with NPR tote bags to carry all the free stuff you’ve been giving them over the past two years?

This breathtaking hypocrisy of talking the talk while not walking the walk is nothing new with Massachusetts Democrats. Remember, we have long had a marvelous feature on our state income tax forms — Box 22.

It enables big-hearted Democrats who want to pay above the regular income tax rate of 5 percent. By simply checking Box 22, big-hearted Kamala Harris supporters can pay 5.85 percent of their income. It’s for the children, you know.

In tax-year 2023, 3,690,809 individuals filed to pay state income taxes in Massachusetts.

Of those approximately 3.7 million people, would you care to guess how many opted to pay at the higher, voluntary rate?

Exactly 2,525. Out of, I repeat, 3.7 million people.

I got those numbers from the state Department of Revenue (DOR). Unlike the governor’s office, DOR got right back to me last week when I made an inquiry.

Meanwhile, Massachusetts continues to reel in every way from this catastrophic invasion. Tax revenues are falling off a cliff, as the American working classes flee by the tens of thousands, leaving behind only non-working, non-Americans angrily demanding ever more handouts.

In Quincy, the cops have been moving illegal Haitians out of the flophouse at what was Eastern Nazarene College and dropping them off at the Red Line station in Wollaston.

The police chief was quoted in the local paper that although some Haitians have taken to sleeping in the streets like they’re back in Port-au-Prince, “the situation has not created security issues for the city’s residents.”

Except of course for that “one arrest after someone threw a brick when asked to leave.”

But that was a mostly-peaceful brick, I suppose. And it could have worse.

Unlike in Kingston, none of the Haitians in Quincy have been charged with rape. And if some underage girl gets a restraining order, the Democrats can just call a Lyft and ship the Haitian out to a different flophouse, like they did in Marlborough.

Just put it on the state’s tab — $2 billion and counting.

Celebrate diversity.

Meanwhile, Sen. Ed Markey has a plan — he’s introduced legislation in Congress to provide another $3 billion in federal handouts for new illegal-alien criminals to “promote their self-sufficiency.”

They’re already on welfare, have been for more than a year with no end in sight. So now Democrats want to give the foreign grifters even more cash “to promote their self-sufficiency.”

In a press release, Markey said everyone “should have access to the opportunities our nation offers.”

By opportunities, Mr. Frosty means welfare. Forever. At least as long as they vote Democrat.

What could possibly go wrong?

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