ICE has a target-rich environment in Boston area
If ICE agents are looking to round up more of these foreign fiends – and they are – they should just fan out into the scores of Healey hotels where they’re all living large on the arm.

After four days of Trump II, are you tired of winning yet?
Me neither. Just look at this screen grab from Fox News that is worth so much more than 1,000 words.
It’s a Haitian gangbanger with 17 criminal convictions since 2018 being lugged by federal ICE agents somewhere in Boston Wednesday.
“I’m not going back to Haiti!” he screams on the videotape. “Bleep Trump! You feel me? Yo Biden forever bro.”
My heart was already feeling like an alligator, but then the Third World savage gave another shout-out to one of his BFF’s:
“Thank Obama for everything he did for me, bro!”
Winning! Here’s a potential caption for this screen grab:
Promises Made, Promises Kept.
When he tweeted out a bunch of these photos Wednesday, Fox reporter Bill Melugin said that as the Boston ICE agents rounded up these illegal thugs, a woman in a nearby house yelled after them:
“Thank you!”
Thank you indeed. But at the State House and in Boston City Hall, local Democrats are seething. These foreign rapists, drug dealers and human traffickers are their most loyal constituents, dammit!
How can the fundamental transformation of America continue, the comrades ask one another, if these nice young amigos are no longer allowed to commit violent crimes against law-abiding US citizens?
You know, until Trump’s troops arrived, that Haitian gangbanger had to think he had it made in the shade.
Sneaks into Massachusetts, immediately goes on welfare, lives in a foreign freeloaders’ flophouse with absolutely everything paid for by his Democrat sponsors – up to and including free same-day dry cleaning, picked up and delivered back to his posh suite at the local no-tell motel.
So I don’t know what the Haitian is so angry about. There’s plenty of work for his kind in Port au Prince, always has been, always will be. Think Tonton Macoutes.
I hear the local boss, the latest Papa Doc, who goes by the moniker of Barbecue, has recruiting billboards up all over the island:
“Barbecue Is Looking for a Few Good Cannibals.”
If ICE agents are looking to round up more of these foreign fiends – and they are – they should just fan out into the scores of Healey hotels where they’re all living large on the arm.
You wouldn’t believe what’s going on – all on our dime, to the tune of $2.5 billion since Massachusetts Democrats invited the entire Third World to move here for their permanent lifetime vacations.
Actually you probably would believe it, if you’ve ever driven by one of these squalid Third World encampments in what used to be Days Inns and Holiday and Quality Inns.
In December, after nine months of stonewalling, the state finally turned over reports of “serious incidents” in the modern-day almshouses for illegals, mostly Haitians.
They gave us three years of reports — 216 pages from 2022, 881 pages from 2023, and 2,239 pages from 2024. Do you notice a trend? Their behavior does not seem to be improving as they spend more time in civilization.
But as long as the Democrats had control of everything, no matter how wretchedly they behaved, there was no punishment. The illegals assumed no responsibility for anything.
They could commit the most unspeakable sorts of crimes, and Maura Healey, Michelle Wu, Andrea Campbell et al. didn’t bat an eye. After the report of a rape in Kingston, the governor all but shrugged.
Maybe the Haitians put a spell on the Democrats. You know, they’re still into voodoo down there. And apparently, at least some of them have brought the customs of their quaint cult with them here to the First World.
On page 252 of last year’s reports, from April, there’s a reference to one of the Haitians’ endless altercations over food. (They’ve been known to call 911 over a missing piece of cheese).
At one flophouse, the illegals began “pushing each other, (redacted) threatened to kill the infant baby of (redacted) by using poison and threatened to place fecal matter in food.”
Now, don’t get judgmental about this. Don’t even think about imposing your patriarchal colonial First World values on these undocumented Democrats. The report continues:
“Both families are accusing each other of practicing ‘Magic.’”
Magic? In Haiti, that means voodoo. For more evidence, check out how many spaces appear before and after the word “Magic.”
It looks like some of the narrative was changed by a state flak-catcher before “Magic” was inserted. I’m guessing that one of the words that were replaced was “voodoo.”
Whatever kinds of mumbo-jumbo the illegals were chanting, it was working… until Monday. But now comes what President Trump called “a revolution of common sense.”
The spell is broken, and the Haitian gang-banger, among others, is in custody. He is, in fact, going back to the Third World hellhole where he belongs – hopefully after a good long stretch in a federal penitentiary.
If they want the free ride to continue, the local Haitians better get themselves some new voodoo dolls of Donald Trump or Tom Homan, or at least stick a few more pins in the ones they’ve already got.
That undocumented Democrat Haitian career criminal who loves Biden and Obama was only part of the overall Fox News piece. The local ICE ERO agents also arrested two MS-13 gangbangers, a Brazilian rapist and a Dominican heroin dealer.
It’s a target-rich environment out there in Eastie and Everett and Chelsea and everywhere else, for that matter.
After the TV crew split, the ICE posse continued on its way, grabbing a Honduran charged with raping a woman in Somerville while putting a gun in her mouth.
Finally, they collared still another Haitian who flew into the US less than two years ago at the invitation of Joe Biden, Gov. Maura Healey and the rest of the Democrat party.
That Haitian was charged with sexual assault. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
A decade ago, in 2015, then-candidate Donald Trump said something that everyone knew was true, but didn’t believe they could say aloud without being canceled.
“They’re not sending us their best.”
And now, finally, we begin to send them back.
Promises made, promises kept.