These are among the stories I’ll be talking about during today’s show:
- The DEI Regime – Christopher F. Rufo | City Journal
- Carl Paladino taps convicted pedophile to aid congressional campaign – Carl Campanile | New York Post
- Working Class and Hispanic Voters Are Losing Interest in the Party of Abortion, Gun Control and the January 6th Hearings – Ruy Teixeira | the Liberal Patriot
- The Left’s Vile Pivot With the 10-Year-Old Ohio Girl Abortion Story – Matt Vespa | Townhall
- Cataloguing Biden’s Ineptitude On Inflation – Issues & Insights
- Harvard University student survey finds tiny percentage of faculty lean conservative – Adam Sabes | Fox News
- EXCLUSIVE: Gascon Kills ‘Lifer Unit,’ Will No Longer Let Victims Know When Their Assaulters Are up for Parole – Bob Hoge | Red State
- Homeless bunker filled with $100K in stolen loot and guns found in San Jose – Lee Brown | New York Post
- Biden Gets Snippy With Reporter in Israel, Hilariously Makes Gaffe Building up GOP – Nick Arama | Red State
- New York City police respond to 5 homicides in 4 hours: report – Greg Norman | Fox News
- ‘Deplorable’: Ex-Stonecrest mayor gets 57 months in COVID fund fraud case – Tyler Estep | The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
- Snack and Die Early – Jeffrey I. Barke, M.D. | American Thinker
- A Trump Backer’s Downfall as the Target of a Jan. 6 Conspiracy Theory – Alan Feuer | New York Times
- A Trump fan got widespread sympathy after his garage was burned and defaced with ‘Biden 2020’ graffiti. Prosecutors say he did it himself in a $300K insurance scam. – Mia Jankowicz | Yahoo News
- White woman riding NYC MTA bus bashed in head in clash with 3 Black passengers who told her they ‘hate white people’ – Rocco Parascandola | Daily News
Read up and get in on today’s discussion!
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