How are we gonna miss ya, Sen. Al?

I told you so.

Just 12 days ago, the headline above my column read: “Al Franken sign-off likely fake news.”

And now, just as I predicted, right on schedule, with the special Senate election in Alabama over, the despicable groper is being, ahem, urged to rescind his reputed resignation.

Here’s how I started my Dec. 8 column:

“Al Franken-slime still doesn’t think he did anything wrong, which is why I won’t believe the vile Democrat pervert is really gone until he actually resigns, rather than just vaguely claiming he’s going to do the right thing, sometime in ‘the coming weeks.’”

Now it looks like those coming weeks may never come. Hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think so.

Franken’s “resignation” was nothing more than a talking point for the Democrat operatives with press passes, like Comrade Chris Matthews of MSNBC. Pre-Alabama, this is what he said about Franken’s finest hour:

“The worst you can say about Democrats is they’re too pure.”

Rather ironic statement, in retrospect, considering that we have since learned that the network had to dish out $40,000 to a victim of Comrade Chris’ own sexual harassment. For those of you keeping score at home, that makes nine – count em, ‘nine – NBC employees busted for impersonating Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy, those two icons of the “pure” party.

Matthews continued: “These guys set too high a standard for public office.”

Riiiight, Comrade Chris!

At the time Franken announced his alleged resignation, the pure party was in a bit of a bind. Rep. John Conyers, D-MI, the founder of the Congressional Black Caucus, was being forced out – something about underwear — so it wouldn’t have looked good to have the rich honky in the Senate skating while the brother went down in flames.

But in the perverama, events move quickly. Since Franken delivered his lame goodbye, a horny host of other solons has been outed, from both parties. Most importantly, more members of the Black Congressional Caucus have since been implicated in various permutations on the perv theme – Reps. Alcee Hastings, Gregory Meeks, Al Green and Bobby Scott, among others. And that doesn’t even include Rep. Bobby Rush, being sued for a million bucks in unpaid loans to his “church” in Chicago, or ex-Rep. Corinne Brown, sentenced by a federal judge this month in Florida to five years for looting her “charity” of $800,000.

Except for Brown, every last one of them is still collecting his paycheck. Just like the white perv… Al Franken.

So any potential charges of double standards are now moot. Black perv, white perv, if you’re a Democrat, the standard is the same – no standard. Just like in those halcyon Clinton-Kennedy days.

As Comrade Chris put it before he was outed: “I think it’s important that the Democratic party has at least remained consistent.”

Yeah, that’s one way of looking at it, I suppose. Consistency, thy name is pervarama.

And then of course there’s ex-Rep. Harold Ford of Tennessee. He’s a twofer in this squalid tableau – a former member of the Congressional Black Caucus who after retiring due to ill health (the voters got sick of him) landed a job at MSNBC.

Then came the… allegations… that Ford too had been touching everything but the third rail, and he became the second perv pundit on the deranged Morning Joe show to go down in flames, after Mark Halperin. Seriously, who could ever dreamed that both Ford and Halperin would be fired before Mike Barnicle?

In the onrushing tide of the pervarama, or pervnado, or whatever you prefer to call it, Al Franken-turd has become yesterday’s news. He thinks our short attention spans will enable him to survive to goose another day.

So what if the governor of Minnesota has already named his successor, the lieutenant governor of the Golden Groper, I mean Gopher state. Hey, eight years ago this month, Marsha Coakley was apartment-hunting in D.C., awaiting her ascension to the Senate. She got over it, so will Tina Smith. Better luck next time, Tina!

In my first column on Franken, I listed all the sleaziness on his curriculum vitae – Harvard, NBC, show biz, stealing elections etc. –and then concluded, “all of which is why I don’t think he’s really going to quit. His pledge to resign isn’t the first time Franken has lied, and it won’t be the last.”

I told you so.

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