Herculean effort to fact check Harris

A hundred years ago, a magazine known as The New Yorker was famous for its fact-checking department. Now, not so much.

Just for the record, despite what you’re reading in Democrat religious tracts, Kamala Harris has endorsed using public funds to pay for sex-change operations for illegal aliens in prison.

I know this is true. It was reported on CNN, so it must be true, right?

So during the debate, President Trump pointed out the obvious, from her response to a 2019 questionnaire from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU):

“She wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison.”

To repeat, it’s true. But it goes against… the Party… the Narrative… so state-run media have been denouncing it as a falsehood ever since Trump said it.

Even on CNN itself, which broke the story, Wolf Blitzer fulminated about how “outlandish” it was for Trump to make such a claim.

Now, Wolf is 76 years old, so maybe he’s just confused, like his hero Dementia Joe Biden. And when the story was broken on CNN, the much younger anchor cupcake, Erin Burnett, was equally flummoxed.

“Taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained migrants?” she stammered. “She actually supported that.”

She. Actually. Supported. That.

But that didn’t stop the Beautiful People from stampeding onto social media to deny… the truth. Especially those who are employed by what used to be magazines, but which you probably had no idea still existed, even if only on a kind of comatose internet life support.

A hundred years ago, a magazine known as The New Yorker was famous for its fact-checking department. Now, not so much.

A crack scribe for The New Yorker quoted Trump’s statement about Kamala and smugly added:

“What was he talking about? No one knows.”

Oh, but we do.

Here was Kamala’s response in full from when she was running for president in 2019:

“I support policies ensuring that federal prisoners and detainees are able to obtain medically necessary care for gender transition, including surgical care, while incarcerated or detained. Transition treatment is a medical necessity, and I will direct all federal agencies responsible for providing essential medical care to deliver transition treatment.”

The Eighth Amendment prohibits “cruel and unusual punishment.” Now Kamala believes that emasculation, castration, etc. constitute “essential medical care.” How times have changed.

Another “magazine” running on fumes is The New Republic, a far-left purveyor of Very Fake News. Their Democrat operative with a press pass sniffed that when Trump pointed out Kamala’s position, he was “sounding like your weird estranged grandfather at Christmas dinner.”

Yet another moribund magazine, Time, at least ran a correction saying it had “mischaracterized Donald Trump’s statement accusing Kamala Harris of supporting ‘transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison.”

Mischaracterized? It wasn’t a mischaracterization, it was a lie.

NBC News, of all places, did a “fact check.” Their verdict:

“This needs context.”

Here’s the context. Kamala Harris supports free sex-change operations for illegal aliens in prison. Period.

Politico said Trump’s “claim appeared to stem….” His claim stemmed from what she actually said, in writing.

Remember Rep. Jamaal Bowman, the Squad’s Democrat Congressman who pulled a fire alarm in the Capitol to stop a roll call vote in the House last year? He’s since retired due to ill health – the voters got sick of him.

Here’s Jamaal’s take:

“She wants to do transgender operations of illegal aliens in prison.’ Y’all serious right now? He says anything.”

Never trust anyone who’s not from the South who says “Y’all.” Especially if they’re in the Squad.

Here’s a puke named Michael Weiss, who works for something called The Insider:

“Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens who are in prison. That’s verbatim.”

Yes it is verbatim. Because that’s what she said.

Next comes some guy named Marc Lamont Hill:

“’She wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens who are in prison’ is the WILDEST thing I’ve ever heard in any debate. EVER.”

I knew CNN’s ratings were lower than whale excrement, but doesn’t anyone watch their North Korean-style programming? Or at least have google, so they can check up on the, you’ll pardon the expression, the facts?

Just when you think state-run media can’t get any more corrupt, or debased, they sink to new lows. They lie about their own scoop, because they’re not purveyors of journalism, they’re hucksters for a dangerous cult, which is the Democrat party.

If the facts don’t reflect well on The Party, they must be rejected, out of hand.

George Orwell could have been referencing what happened this week when he wrote his prophetic novel 1984:

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

The sad thing is, the comrades understand that their low-info Democrat voters, as befuddled as they are by drugs and welfare, will believe anything they’re told by their masters. Or more likely, they don’t care, as long as they can keep getting free stuff.

Elena Gorokhova lived through the last decades of the Soviet Union. In her book, “A Mountain of Crumbs,” she updated Orwell’s rules for media in a one-party state:

“The rules are simple,” she said. “They lie to us. We know they’re lying but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them.”

The Harris campaign, meanwhile, did the usual thing. It’s not something she’s “focused” on any longer.

“That is a non-issue,” Kamala’s flack said.


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