From Karen Read to Sandra Birchmore, Data Tells the Story When Witnesses Won’t

Once again, the crooked cops are hoist not on their own petards, but on their own text messages.

As scandalous as the Karen Read frame-up is, the Sandra Birchmore case may be even more horrific, and not just because both murders occurred in the same corrupt town, featuring largely the same cast of bumbling, corrupt cops.

The parallels between the two crimes are amazing. Birchmore was murdered on Feb. 1, 2021, in Canton, just as a blizzard arrived. John O’Keefe was killed in Canton on Jan. 29, 2022, almost exactly one year later… as a blizzard approached.

And the cops’ reaction was almost identical.

Look the other way. Just blame the woman, the female victim.

Remember Michael Proctor, the drunkard state cop now suspended without pay, who after lugging Karen Read texted his sister about what he hoped the babe with the weird Fall River accent and no ass would do:

“Hopefully she kills herself.”

Now we discover in paragraph 50 of the FBI affidavit that shortly before she was murdered, Birchmore had it out with the father of her unborn child, married Stoughton police officer Matthew Farwell.

After the fight, according to the G-men, she told “Person 2” what Farwell told her about their pregnancy:

“He wished (she) would just die and he wants nothing to do with the baby.”

The state medical examiner ruled Birchmore’s death a “suicide.” Wink wink nudge nudge.

Then when John O’Keefe’s badly beaten body was found on the lawn of another Boston police officer, the state medical examiner ruled a cause of death “could not be determined.”

Forget Jake, it’s Canton.

In the Karen Read case, Trooper Proctor never even bothered to go inside the cop’s house where the body had been found in the front yard. Now we find out that members of that same state police unit interviewed Matthew Farwell… in the parking lot of a school in Stoughton.

Even Barney Fife would be embarrassed by how lame these flatfeet are.

In their initial 2021 investigation, DA Morrissey’s state Keystone Kops could find no text messages between Farwell and Birchmore. There were only 32,709. Farwell told cops he’d deleted everything, much like the two cops named Brian in the Karen Read case who actually destroyed their cell phones rather than turn them over to the court.

In the Karen Read investigation, that same state cop who couldn’t find even one of those 32,709 text messages likewise never discovered Jennifer McCabe’s deleted google search – “Hos long to die in cold.”

That question was texted out at 2:27 a.m. as Boston cop John O’Keefe lay dying in the snow outside her friend Brian Albert’s house.

That state cop who bungled both searches is Nicholas Guarino. He’s from Norwood, which abuts Canton on the west, just like Stoughton does to the south. Such a tiny area, so many unsolved murders during blizzards with heavy police vibes….

Bottom line here is that DA Meatball Morrissey’s crack sleuths leave no stone unturned, except the ones the perps are hiding under.

And except for Trooper Proctor, all these bent badges kept getting paid. His drunken buddy on the Canton PD, Kevin “Fat” Albert” is suspended, with pay. Farwell allegedly strangled Sandra in February, was placed on “paid administrative leave” three weeks later and continued on paid vacation until May 2022.

Whoever said crime doesn’t pay has never been a cop in Norfolk County.

You have to wonder, how many other victims are stepping forward now that the first of the Canton Cover ups has been broken up? When cops use the word “grooming,” as they did at yesterday’s press conference at the federal courthouse, they’re seldom talking about one case.

Another question: where are all the trolls who mindlessly cheerlead on social media for the unspeakably corrupt cops in Norfolk County?

They said the feds’ investigation was over.

They said the grand jury’s term had expired.

They said pay no attention to the evidence in either the Read or Birchmore case, nothing to see here folks, move along.

Once again, the crooked cops are hoist not on their own petards, but on their own text messages. In the federal documents, Farwell admits to statutory rape of Birchmore when she was 15.

Didn’t he ever hear the old schoolboy warning, “15’ll get you 20.” Guess what, or maybe the rules are different in Norfolk County, at least if you’re a crooked cop.

This Birchmore case also has echoes of the priest scandal in the Archdiocese of Boston. Those pederast padres went after little boys from broken homes, no father in sight. Ditto Sandra Birchmore, raised by her mother who died at age 52.

How evil was Farwell? According to the text put into public record by the feds yesterday, right before he murdered his pregnant girlfriend, he stopped by her apartment in Canton. She texted a friend:

“He asked me if I’d give him a key and said that if I keep it a secret he’d be around… Then he looked in my closet and then the bathroom but why, haven’t figured that out.”

By the way, the night Farwell came by to get the key in secret, he brought over a treat for the woman he was allegedly getting ready about to slaughter, along with his own unborn child: some ginger ale.

Ginger ale! Another, smaller link between the two cases. Brian Higgins, the grossly obese ATF cop in the middle of the Karen Read case, bragged about his drink of choice being a “Jameson and gingah.”

Never accept ginger ale from a cop, at least in Norfolk County.

Josh Levy, the acting U.S. attorney, said something at his press conference that must be more than somewhat concerning to certain parties in Greater Canton:

“When someone comes to us with information that a police officer may have been involved in a murder, we’re going to get involved.”

As for Karen Read, you can understand why she’s trying to get as far away from Canton as possible. Karen, if any local yokel cops ask you to give them the key to your house, so they can… check up on you… run, don’t walk.

Hos long would it have taken them to string Karen Read up, just like they did to Sandra Birchmore?

(Pre-order Howie’s new book “You Understand American?”.)

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