Fall River mayor’s arrest just one more disappointment for Charlie Baker

How “disappointed” is Tall Deval in his dear friend, Fall River Mayor Jasiel F. Correia II?

I mean, the governor of Massachusetts is always so “disappointed” in President Trump, not to mention in Brett Kavanaugh (and today, most likely, Kanye West) but none of them is under indictment this morning.

But the 26-year-old boy mayor is – and this is a guy who gave Tall Deval $200, who’s all over Twitter posing with both Charlie and his lieutenant governor, Karyn Polito.

Correia, whose endorsement Baker slobberingly accepted just five weeks ago down in Bristol County, now stands accused of tax fraud and swindling investors out of at least $231,000, some of which he used on a girlfriend, a Mercedes and sex toys.

How Millenial is that, stealing money for “adult entertainment?”

There’s only one way to describe these allegations against Tall Deval’s devoted disciple — disappointing.

I can hear the governor whining now: “As very disappointed as I am in these disappointing disappointments, moving along in dismal disgust, can I tell you how much I dislike and distrust the doubly dismaying disappointments of Donald Trump….”

I thought the governor was supposed to be a micromanager, a hands-on guy. So if I knew that Hizzoner was about to get lugged, why didn’t America’s Most Popular Governor have a clue what was about to go down?

It wasn’t exactly a state secret that Correia was so crooked he needed a corkscrew to get into his trousers in the morning. But oddly nobody thought to give Tall Deval a heads up, not even the Republican US attorney in Boston.

The state senator down there is Mike Rodrigues, a three-watt bulb who a few years back voted to put a sales tax on the excise tax on booze, after which he immediately drove to New Hampshire in a car with Senate license plates to buy a trunkful of tax-free booze.

Tall Deval goes to Rodrigues’ fundraisers in Westport, even though he’s a Democrat. Are you telling me Rodrigues didn’t know the boy mayor was in a photo finish with the grand jury?

Tall Deval doesn’t care though. When it comes to money, he’s been touching everything but the third rail. He took cash earlier this year from the late George Rogers, a former legislator from New Bedford who went to prison for stealing. Ditto, from a trash-hauler in Connecticut who once threatened to murder a business rival.

What the hell does Tall Deval care? As long as he keeps putting the blast on Trump, the alt-left media will give him a good leaving alone. They’ll even let him pretend to be a Republican.

I have a radio affiliate down in Fairhaven, WBSM. When we heard Baker was going down to Bristol County after the primary to pick up some endorsements, we tried to line up a photographer to get a picture of Tall Deval with Correia, because we knew this day was coming, sooner rather than later.

Little did we know then how many photos the mayor had already tweeted out! We didn’t need to pull any sneaky stuff.

Do you realize, there are more photos just on Twitter of Correia and Karyn Polito than there are of the very ethical LG and her BFF, ex-state trooper Leigha Genduso, the admitted drug kingpin, perjurer, money launderer and income-tax evader?

Which by the way is one of the crimes Correia is now charged with – filing false tax returns. Maybe we need a photo album of the lieutenant governor with tax cheats, accused and admitted.

Of course the Democrat mayor also posted photos with the fake Indian, Cong. Jo-Jo-Jo Kennedy, the local governor’s councilor (a former cop) etc., but somehow it’s more… disappointing that Tall Deval is busted with him.

As usual, this first indictment has many vague references. For instance, the scammed investors – are any of them members of the mayor’s family?

And did the mayor attempt to keep the lid on the unfolding scandal by doing what would be done in Boston – give them hack jobs on the city payroll?

Once he recovered from the shock of being the last politician in Massachusetts to realize that the hammer was coming down on his pal, Tall Deval took the kind of courageous action we have all come to expect.

He removed Correia’s endorsement from his website. And he donated Correia’s contributions to one of the Lawrence disaster-relief funds.

And he issued a statement of, well, disappointment, saying that he and Leigha Genduso’s BFF consider the charges “very serious and (we) will continue to work with other local officials.”

Continue to work with others? Until yesterday morning, he was joined at the hip with this sticky-fingered hack.

Governor, we’re all very… disappointed.

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