Extra helping for DA ‘Meatball’ Morrissey

You can’t vote against Meatball Morrissey this year, but you can vote against his sock puppet.

You only need to know one thing about the race for register of deeds in Norfolk County.

The 20-year incumbent, Bill O’Donnell, is being opposed by Norfolk County District Attorney Michael “Meatball” Morrissey.

Along with all his hack cronies, Meatball has been funneling cash to O’Donnell’s opponent.

O’Donnell’s opponent is Noel DiBona, who henceforward I’m going to call Noel DiBona-Morrissey, for that what he is, a stooge for Morrissey and the rest of the Quincy Democrat hackerama.

You can’t vote against Meatball Morrissey this year, but you can vote against his sock puppet.

Morrissey just turned 70 last Friday, but in his dotage he remains extremely busy, not apparently just trying to frame Karen Read in a second murder trial after her acquittal last month.

Among his other accomplishments, there’s the ongoing scandal of the murder of 23-year-old Sandra Birchmore who was pregnant by a married cop – another Canton miscarriage of justice now being investigated by the same FBI that’s all over the Karen Read corruption.

And Meatball is still trying to keep the lid on the 2020 police killing of unarmed Juston Root in Brookline – shot 31 times in three seconds by assorted cops who got away with it because… Norfolk County.

Busy? Tubby Mike is also a delegate to the Democrat convention in Chicago because… free buffets and open bars! And he’s got a time next week in Quincy to fatten up his $443,000 campaign war chest.

But with everything else on his heaping plate, Meatball still found time in June to send $100 to DiBona-Morrissey. And one of his in-laws has duked cash to DiBona more than a dozen times over the years.

It’s the hackerama baby! DiBona-Morrissey is a Quincy city councilor. It’s Quincy being Quincy.

Calls were made yesterday to both Morrissey and his anointed payroll patriot, Noel DiBona-Morrissey. The calls were not returned.

The Norfolk hacks have picked DiBona-Morrissey to rid themselves of the incumbent register of deeds, Bill O’Donnell. They hate him because the Registry makes a lot of money for Norfolk County, and he won’t cut up the pot with them.

The commissioners want that cash for themselves to keep hiring and handing out obscene pay raises to their worthless families and friends.

O’Donnell has sued the Norfolk County commissioners twice, and won. That’s verboten. The way things work in Norfolk, O’Donnell is just lucky the hacks haven’t tried to frame him for a murder he didn’t commit.

Just ask Karen Read.

Like Meatball Morrissey, two of the three county commissioners are all in with Di-Bona-Morrissey. So are all the county hacks and beneficiaries of Meatball “just-us” – like the O’Connells of Quincy. Google ‘em if you want to find out even more about “just-us” in Norfolk County annals of crime.

Meet Peter Collins, a $49,736-a-year part-time county commissioner since 1994. His father, James Collins, preceded him on the commission from 1964 to 1992. That late James Collins is not to be confused with the late former treasurer of Norfolk County, Jailbird James Collins, who went to prison for embezzling $100,000 in county funds.

Peter Collins runs a law firm, and one of his lawyers is Joseph Labadini. After Labadini joined Collins and Collins, a nationwide search took place, and his wife, Michelle Labadini, was hired as “county personnel director.”

She started out at $83,436 and now makes $107,688. Does the county pay for her family’s health insurance? That would probably save some dough for Commissioner Collins’s law firm, eh?

By the way, the county owns Presidents Golf Course in Quincy. In 2022, there was another nationwide search, and Matthew J. Labadini was hired as a custodian, for $40,047 a year.

Presidents Golf Course is a real family affair for the Norfolk County hackerama. Commissioner Collins’ brother-in-law is Steven Doyle, a groundskeeper at $50,080. Summer hires at the golf course in recent years have included yet another James Collins (not to be confused with either Grampy or Jailbird James Collins) as well as one Matthew Doyle.

A second county commissioner is Joe Shea. He makes $52,590 a year as chairman, and was a career hack at Quincy City Hall. His wife Josephine is on the Norfolk County Retirement Board. Would you care to guess where their daughter works?

You got it. The golf course. Her name is Amy Baker — $81,094 a year.

Shea gave DiBona-Morrissey $250 directly. Collins preferred to let his wife handle the contributions to DiBona-Morrissey — $1,000.

The incumbent Register of Deeds, O’Donnell, is a hack himself. He even used to be a county commissioner.

But he’s not from Quincy, which makes him a foreigner. He’s from Norwood.

So they dip into his budget, and deny him funds for technological upgrades. But if you’ve bought or sold property in Norfolk County (and I have), you appreciate a smoothly functioning Registry of Deeds, which is what we have now.

O’Donnell has sued the commissioners at least twice, and he’s won, as recently as in June. They can’t stand it.

Morrissey, Collins, Shea et al. want to get rid themselves of O’Donnell almost as much as they want to send Karen Read to prison for a crime she’s already been acquitted of. They’d rather beat O’Donnell than keep the trigger-happy cops in the Birchmore and Root cases out of jail.

They desperately need that money from the Registry of Deeds. It’s not just all for their families either. How about John Cronin, the “county director,” hired at $122,000 three years ago and now up to $148,000. He was a defendant in one of the cases O’Donnell brought against the county commissioners.

Mrs. Cronin – Denise – handed $100 to DiBona-Morrissey.

The assistant “county director” is William Buckley, a hack from Walpole who used to work for Rep. Jolly John Rogers, who once compared convicted felon House speaker Charlie Flaherty to Jesus Christ.

Buckley’s pay has skyrocketed to $96,776.

By the way, Cronin and Buckley are also grabbing huge extra bucks for “administering” federal COVID relief money – the hacks used to get an extra 10 large a year. Now it’s up to 30 grand annually, and it continues, even though the Panic is long in the rear-view mirror.

Between them, when it’s all over, Cronin and Buckley will have pocketed $240,000 that could have gone to the cities and towns if county government had been abolished in Norfolk as it has been in most of the Commonwealth.

On his campaign site, DiBona-Morrissey says he is “no stranger to Norfolk County.”

Norfolk County payrolls, anyway. He used to work in the county sheriff’s department. It, uh, didn’t work out. Then he went to, ahem, “work” for O’Donnell. Ditto.

On Sept. 3, vote O’Donnell in the Democrat primary. Give Meatball another “L.” He’s got it coming, bigtime.

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