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Election Day 2020 – Tweet Beat – 11.3.2020

I can’t believe the day has finally arrived.

Fingers crossed there is a red wave across the country tonight.

But we still have plenty of hours before any accurate numbers break– so rather than nervously pace back and forth or eat another slice of cake, let’s get to the TB!

Take it away Mr. President!

President Trump thanked all of the supporters who have continued to show up and stand up for their candidate.

Amish for Trump

And they don’t even know how awesome his tweets are!

Sad but true

If the party of tolerance loses, get ready for some “peaceful protests”.

Some good news!

Momentum is a powerful thing– especially in politics.

Florida is looking good thus far. Keep it up FL!

The President saw this video and loved it. What’s not to love? So much support from all around the world. Truly awesome.

One Crime family supports another…


I wonder how long it took them to decide who they were going to vote for.

Lady Gaga tries to amp up Biden base

If I were the betting type…

Good Luck President Trump. The Deplorables are rooting for you!

Listen to the show today at 3 PM.

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