Dems Whining About Unaffordable Housing is Rich

Whether it is the cost of materials, homeowners’ insurance or property taxes, they caused the cost of housing to skyrocket.

It is like fingernails on a chalkboard hearing Democrats talk about the need for affordable housing. They are the ones who have made housing unaffordable!

Whether it is the cost of materials, homeowners’ insurance or property taxes, they caused the cost of housing to skyrocket.

Let’s first talk about the rental market. Rents are high. They are higher in Massachusetts, because the Democrats wrote laws to favor tenants and screw landlords.

It takes months and courts to remove tenants who don’t pay their rent. In other states, it is not that complicated. Ask any real estate expert. They will recommend not buying rental property in the Commonwealth, because it is so hard to collect rents.

Hence, those who do own property need to charge more to cover their risks and costs.

Then there is inflation caused by Biden and Harris. Inflation is not only sending the cost of building materials through the roof, but it has also doubled mortgage interest rates. A $250,000 mortgage with a three-percent interest rate used to cost $1054 per month.  That same loan amount now costs $1642.32 with the Biden/Harris rate of 6.87%. 

But, as we all painfully know, escrow is costing more than your actual mortgage payments these days. The monthly expenses of insurance and property taxes are now higher than what you pay the bank to own your home. 

This coming year Massachusetts homeowners are going to be paying even more in property taxes. Beacon Hill Democrats only sent municipalities a measly three-percent increase in local aid.That figure is not keeping up with inflation, so municipalities will be forced to decide between cutting services such as police, fire and education or raising property taxes. 

Beacon Hill could have sent more money to cities and towns, but they spent everything lavishing free stuff on the hordes of illegal aliens swarming into the Commonwealth. More than $1 billion was spent on free housing for the so-called newcomers.

They are getting the affordable housing. 

So, when you hear Democrats say they are going to fix the affordable housing problem, remember who caused it.They cannot cure what they broke.

Vote Republican!

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