COVID Karens all vote Democrat

Does anyone remember the Panic of 2020, also known as COVID? The Democrats are certainly hoping you’ve forgotten….

Does anyone remember the Panic of 2020, also known as COVID?

The Democrats are certainly hoping you’ve forgotten, especially the way they used the Red Chinese virus to bludgeon President Trump, and American society at large, into a form of public-health hysteria never seen before in world history.

And they kept the grift going well into 2021, as a way to keep the Deep State’s boot on the throat of a formerly free people.

But now… nothing to see here folks, never mind.

Last week, at their convention, Dementia Joe Biden lied:

“Well, during the pandemic, Kamala helped states and cities get their schools back open.”

No, she didn’t. The bosses of the teachers’ unions – if not most classroom teachers themselves — wanted the schools shut down as long as possible. Think endless winter Caribbean vacations. Zoom “classes.” Bonus pay for the “hero” public servants….

Now, Mark Zuckerberg has admitted to House Republicans that the Biden and Kamala applied big time pressure to social media “to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire.”

The news here is that Zuckerberg is admitting it so openly. And he’s talking about what the comrades were imposing in 2021, after it was abundantly clear that the entire operation was a total scam designed to scare the wits of low-info (i.e. Democrat) voters.

As Kamala Harris said in Charlotte NC on Oct. 21, 2020:

“We’re looking at over 220 million people who just over the last several months, died. You know, it breaks your heart.”

Two-hundred twenty million! The verdict from state-run media is that Kamala “misspoke.” Don’t they always?

Then there’s her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz. He set up one of many snitch lines, and kept it going longer than almost any of his other tinpot tyrants in the state houses.

But Walz has this line in his stump speech: “Mind your own business!” Pay no attention to the snitch lines, or the locking up of business owners, etc.

One reason Bobby Kennedy Jr. did as well as he did was that he was all over the COVID flim flam. He wrote a best-selling expose about Dr. Anthony Fauci. Trump got “rolled,” as Kennedy said, but he’s trying to do the right thing now.

Trump has promised to restore everybody separated from the military over their refusal to take the jab. With full back pay.

Recently, one of my Vermont listeners sent me a list of calls to the Green Mountain State’s snitch line. As you read the plaintive cries of the True Believers (most of whom no doubt wear masks even now), it brings back memories of a very dark time in America, which the Democrats would like to make permanent, no matter what they’re saying now.

Here are a few Vermont snitch line messages from the spring of 2020:

From Milton: “Ice cream truck came through neighborhood. He was wearing a mask and gloves, but I don’t believe he was sanitizing between customers.”

They’re just not making Mr. Frosty ice-cream truck drivers like Ed Markey anymore, I guess.

From South Burlington, concerning a take-out business: “They have a preference for cash and I think they should be more willing to accept cards for payment because of cleanliness reasons.”

So… COVID spread slower through credit cards than through cash? Who knew?

From Essex Junction, Comrade Karen reported four staff spotted not wearing masks around the cash register: “I asked if they had considered wearing masks and they all looked at each other and sort of laughed at me and said they’ll wait until somebody makes them.”

From Montpelier: “I called store manager to report my concerns and his response was sorry for any inconvenience. It is not about inconvenience but trying to stay healthy.”

No, actually it was about forced compliance to the diktats of the government (and yes, Vermont had and has a nutty GOP governor). They didn’t want obedience, they wanted blind obedience.

From Norton, Karen writes in repeatedly about a store owner who not only refuses to disband his morning coffee crew, but has added a puppy to the mix to “encourage” more scofflaws: “The store owner has been encouraging a culture of non-compliance. I heard that folks wearing masks are mocked by owner.”

By the way, did Gen. Ethan Allen ever complain about a “culture of non-compliance” in Vermont?

In Bourne, Karen returned from a terrifying trip to the supermarket, where she watched as the maskless cashier didn’t bother to clean the belts after each customer:

“I said something. His response was, ‘Ah, that’s all BS if you ask me.’ I have the receipt I believe it was checkout #8 and his number was #0023 C (for cashier).”

Is it too late to present Cashier #0023 with a medal of some sort?

You know what the Karens really loved back then? The 14-day quarantines. It drove them nuts  when flatlanders would drive up, like in Stowe, and then go “out mountain-biking etc.”

And like in a Bob Dylan song, the Vermont cops don’t need you and man they expect the same.

St. Albans: “State trooper wearing uniform buying goods without a mask. This is a public official who interacts with public. Barracks Commander did not understand the risk to the public, and therefore will not be an OSHA trainer. He only made excuses to me.”

You’re lucky he only made excuses to you, Karen, because I’ll bet he really wanted to “mock” you, like the store owner in Norton with the new puppy.

In Bellows Falls, Karen reported that she was “very afraid and livid.” In Montpelier, Karen believed that grocery stores “are now the most dangerous place on the planet.”

Is it all coming back to you now, how absurd life was in 2020? Granted, there were Republicans involved in the gag, but they were junior partners to the Democrats. The Dems were ones who kept the schools shut down even after they’d invented “ballot harveting,” because, after all, 220 million Americans were dead. Right Kamala?

One last question: who do you think all the Karens who were calling that snitch line in 2020 will be voting for? And who will Cashier #0023 be casting his ballot for?

You only get one guess.

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