Charlie Baker’s Not Fooling Anyone – Holly Robichaud – 2.18.21 – Hour 4

Howie is joined by Holly Robichaud to discuss Charlie Baker’s vaccine roll-out disaster.

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Here is a taste of Hour 4’s transcript:

Howie Carr: [00:01:26] How bad is the new vaccination rollout plan for the Globe to desert Charlie Parker? The Globe’s motto is to afflict the afflicted and comfort the comfortable and who could be more comfortable in Charlie Parker. But it was so disastrous. This is the lead of the Globe story. Tens of thousands of newly eligible Massachusetts residents eager to use the state’s vax finder tool to book COVID-19 shots today encountered a maelstrom of website crashes, system errors and notices, telling them there were thousands of available appointments they were unable to get. The vax insanity, as infuriated vaccine hunters called it, dashed the hopes of residents aged 65 to 70 for those with two or more chronic health conditions of being inoculated soon against a relentless coronavirus. Right. That has forced millions into virtual isolation for much of the year. So they’re using Charlie Parker’s own hysteria to promote a different kind of hysteria. But Charlie Parker promised them everything it promised you just yesterday. Everything was going to be hunky dory today. Joining us on the line is Republican political consultant Holly Robichaud. She’s got a column up on our website about this fiasco. And it’s the it’s the second thing on the on the homepage after the picture of the octopus. And believe it or not, they put the picture of the octopus on the broken down website. It’s…It’s rather appropriate, but it must be quite infuriating if you’re if you’re desperate to get a shot and you see an octopus with a question mark. Holly Robichaud, thanks for being with us here on the Howie Carr Show.

To check out previous Hours of Today’s Show, check them out:

Hour 1 – “The Facts on Mass Vax is Your Website Stinks”

Hour 2 – “Marc Morano”

Hour 3 – “COVID-19 Vaccine, Climate, and Cuomo”


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