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Grace Curley Show Episodes
Brian Stelter interviews 8th graders about fake news plus a dramatic reading –…
This hour Grace gives us 'Journalism in the News' with Brian Stelter interviewing 8th graders about!-->…
Libs are looking for Covid exit ramps, but some apologies are in order – 1.24.22…
Grace this hour talks about the Liberal exit strategy for COVID and how they are finally waking up to the truth.
The Best and the Brightest are Failing Again! Russia Ukraine tensions reach boiling point…
Grace talks with callers about the Russia - Ukraine crisis that appears to be heating up. If the Biden!-->…
Krazy Karen Friday – 1.21.22 – Hour 3
Grace and Jarred go over the Kraziest Karens of the week and we play some sad audio of a British student breaking!-->…
CDC reverses on natural immunity, Pelosi praises “remarkable” Democrats and…
Grace talks about some surprising information from the CDC on natural immunity and Nancy Pelosi praises Democrats.!-->…
Psaki vs. Tapper, Biden snaps at reporter and Kamala doth protest too much – 1.21.22…
Grace this hour talks about Jen Psaki trying to deflect and defend Biden's atrocious press conference with Jake!-->…
Breitbart’s Matt Boyle gives big picture one year into this “disgusting…
Breitbart's Matt Boyle comes on this hour to talk about the terrible job Biden has done and the worse state of the!-->…
NY Post’s Steven Nelson, who asked Joe about Hunter & China, calls in to…
Steven Nelson from the New York Post joins Grace to talk about the question he asked Dementia Joe at the press!-->…
Joe Goes Rogue at WH Presser: Micro incursion, 2022 and Mental Fitness – 1.20.22…
Joe had quite the presser yesterday with questions about his failing policies and he even gave Russia a chance to!-->…
Disinformation in the Mainstream Media – David Harsayni – 1.19.22 – Hour…
David Harsanyi from the National Review joins Grace to talk about voting rights, Biden's press conference and the!-->…