Biden inflation a pain at the pump, grocery store

Every time I shop anywhere and notice that the price has gone up again or the package has shrunk or that what I wanted to buy is no longer in stock, I silently say to myself, “Thanks, Brandon!”

Every time I shop anywhere and notice that the price has gone up again or the package has shrunk or that what I wanted to buy is no longer in stock, I silently say to myself, “Thanks, Brandon!”

Obviously, I’ve been thanking Brandon a lot lately. On Sunday, before the Super Bowl, I stopped in the supermarket and grabbed a block of one of my favorite cheeses, Jarlsberg Light. It’s a little indulgence. I’m used to paying $6.14 for eight ounces.

Sunday, the half-pound was up to $6.89.

Thanks, Brandon!

So I decided to ask the listeners and texters on my radio show how often they’ve been thanking Dementia Joe Biden — Brandon — for his disastrous economic policies and the rampant inflation and shortages they’ve produced.

And by the way, in case you haven’t left the house recently, you may not have noticed that the government’s official 7.5% inflation rate (the highest since 1982) is nonsense.

How can you have a list of “core” prices that does not include food and fuel? Food and fuel are two necessities that you need to survive — you can’t get any more “core” than food and fuel.

I found a website where a statistician uses the pre-1980 methods of computing inflation. It’s called He pegged last month’s actual inflation rate, which includes food and fuel prices, at 15.63%, the highest since June 1947.

Thanks, Brandon!

So on my show I opened the lines and within seconds they were jammed.

Melissa in Connecticut: “I spend my weekends looking for cat food. I went to five supermarkets Saturday before I found anything. It’s like going on a treasure hunt.”

A texter from 508 area code corrected her: “Treasure hunt? More like a scavenger hunt you mean.”

Area code 339: “Finally got the dining-room set I ordered in October. If I ordered it now it would cost $800 more.”

Limerick Guy: “I would like to thank Brandon for the fact that I paid $3.45 a gallon for gas today when I paid $1.45 a gallon at Costco in Trump’s final days in office.”

Area code 774: “CVS doesn’t have a prescription I need for tomorrow. I may have to drive to Bedford.”

Susie: “My father died, he left me some money. I could finally afford the car I’d always wanted, a Cadillac, loaded. They had nothing at the dealership! Nothing! They told me maybe they’d have something in a few weeks.”

The Wall Street Journal ran a story Monday about used cars — the average price for one in the U.S. is now $28,500. How’d you like to be a high-school kid trying to buy his first car? Thanks, Brandon!

Area code 978: “My truck was on empty. I threw in $25 & it didn’t even turn off the low-fuel light.”

Bob: “My wife loves those Boston coffee cakes. They’ve always been $4.99. They just went up to $6.99. And that’s at Market Basket, which always has the lowest prices.”

Speaking of which, one of my daughters moved from Charlestown and now lives in a suburb near a Wegman’s. She started shopping there, because it was closer. But prices have gone up so much under Brandon that she’s returned to her supermarket roots — the Market Basket in Waltham.

Area code 781: “The combo plate and a side of teriyaki went from $17 to $23.”

Chris: “Every morning I go to Dunkin in Augusta. I order the same thing — ham, egg and cheese on an English muffin. The other day, I walk in and the girl behind the counter says, Sorry, we’ve discontinued ham. I asked her, can I still get bacon? She said yes, we still serve bacon. I said, if you have bacon, why don’t you have ham? They come from the same pig, don’t they?”

Area code 617: “Scallops are $30 a pound. I remember when they were $14. Let’s go, Brandon.”

Sue: “I use propane. It used to be $2.89, now it’s $4.14. I never had to wait, I just called and they came and filled up my tank. This time, they told me they didn’t have any, so by the time they finally came to fill up the tank, it was almost empty. Cost us about a thousand bucks.”

Area code 413: “My granddaughter wanted strawberries. The package had bubble wrap in the bottom to take up space. It cost $10.”

Area code 207: “Asked my wife to get roast beef — $16.99 a pound. Thanks, Brandon.”

Paul: “They’re killing us small-time contractors. I have a 35-gallon tank in my truck. It used to cost me way under $100 to fill up. Now it’s $150. And the plywood’s gone up from $32 to $70, and they’re not even nice sheets.”

Carrie in Bangor: “I have chronic Lyme disease, which means joint pain. My husband goes to the natural store and buys me CBD oil to put under my tongue. Used to be $30-35 a bottle. Now it’s $50.”

Area code 508: “Saw a kid breaking down shelves in the supermarket I go to. Had to resist telling him, it’s about time, there’s nothing on ‘em anyway, they’re just in the way. But I didn’t want to ruin his day.”

Dementia Joe Biden’s Ivy League pukes don’t think any of this is a big deal. They figure that since they jacked up food stamps 21%, that’ll keep their non-working class voters fat and happy. His trustafarian pajama boy chief of staff dismisses all complaints by people who work for a living as “high-class problems.”

Actually, I think of inflation and shortages as Democrat problems, because we never had to suffer through them the last time we had a Republican president, 13 months ago.

Don’t worry, though, we’ll remember in November.

Thanks, Brandon!

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