Alternative to TCI being floated by MA Auditor candidate

Just when you thought the nightmare of Gov. Charlie Baker’s Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI) was behind us, a new idea is being floated for carbon counting.

Just when you thought the nightmare of Gov. Charlie Baker’s Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI) was behind us, a new idea is being floated for carbon counting. 

Chris Dempsey, who is one of several Democrats running to replace Suzanne Bump as State Auditor, is proposing to “incorporate carbon accounting” into state audits. That’s all we need. How about just do your job if elected?

There are so many state agencies that need a full and through audit, the auditor doesn’t need to make more work — or should I say more hack jobs? Dempsey wants to create an “Auditor’s Commission on Environmental Justice.” I want a commission on taxpayer justice! This Brookline wannabe payroll patriot is not even elected yet and he is already trying to expanding government.

The auditor is supposed to expose hackeramas, not create new ones!

If Dempsey is so concerned about the environment rather than accounting, maybe he should apply to succeed “Climate Katie” as Secretary of Environmental Affairs, or join Greenpeace!

The Commonwealth spends $675,000 per mile per year on road maintenance. I would like to know why we are paying quadruple the national average on road repairs.  We also spend eight times the national average on personnel in the transportation department. Why? 

I suspect these questions will never be answered if Dempsey is elected to count carbons, because he formerly served as an Assistant to the Secretary of Transportation for Deval Patrick – the Governor who wanted to link the gas tax to inflation in order to squander even more billions on transportation.

According to Dempsey, “Climate change is already impacting people and communities across Massachusetts…. I will be the first State Auditor to incorporate carbon accounting into audits to re-evaluate state agencies and programs.”

In other words, all non-essential state employees will never have to show up to work again to cut down carbon emissions for commuting. Whew! I can already hear the sighs of relief from the public-sector unions.

Don’t let this fox even near, let alone into the hen house.

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