Abolish the FBI? You heard it here first
I saw a headline this week in The Wall Street Journal that made my day: “Abolish the FBI.”
I saw a headline this week in The Wall Street Journal that made my day: “Abolish the FBI.”
The reason I was so pleased was because above my column in this newspaper on Jan. 24, 2018, was this headline: “Scandal-ridden FBI must be abolished.”
Is there an echo in here?
All I can say is, what took everybody else so long to realize how rotten to the core the Famous But Incompetent G-men have become, and actually have been for more than half a century now?
As the Journal noted, the FBI’s last sustained good “run of publicity … came more than 50 years ago thanks to Efrem Zimbalist Jr. and his weekly show on ABC, “The FBI,” which went off the air in 1974.
Even by dismal modern FBI standards, though, the news just keeps getting worse and worse.
Last week, one of Hillary Clinton’s lawyers was indicted by Russian collusion hoax Special Counsel John Durham. The Democrat operative was charged with lying to a James Comey briefer about one of the largely forgotten lies in the Russian hoax — Alfa Bank’s “secret servers,” which of course didn’t exist except in the fevered imaginations of far-left Democrats and their stenographers in the media.
Durham has been taking his own sweet time bringing these corrupt Deep State bad actors to justice, but better late than never. He knows a lot about how deep the corruption runs. He first brought down Whitey’s FBI hitman, Zip Connolly.
This latest indictment came only days before the five-year statute of limitations ran out.
Five years! It took that long to bring a single one of these bent Democrats before the bar of justice. But then, in this case, as in so many others involving the FBI, the cops are the actual criminals.
The joke in this latest bust is that obviously the FBI knew that Hillary’s lawyer was lying when he told the agent that he was peddling his ludicrously false stories.
Maybe not, though. They’re not making special agents like Inspector Lew Erskine anymore.
Durham’s indictment happened the same week that a newly declassified court rulings showed that the FBI had 100% lied during its illegal investigation into Trump aide Carter Page.
In the FBI’s botched frame-up of Page, one FBI lawyer has already been convicted of obstructing justice, although his punishment scarcely rose to the level of a slap on the wrist.
And yet … and yet … the alt-left media, which spent more than two years running one fake story after another about Russia-Russia-Russia, yawns. Could it be because they gave themselves Pultizer Prizes for their “deeply sourced” stories about … stuff that never happened, that they swallowed credulously because … Orange Man Bad?
The perfectly coiffed preppie trust-funder now running the FBI is a Deep State lapdog named Christopher Wray. On Capitol Hill he’s known as Alibi Ike, because his only job seems to be providing both excuses and apologies for the feds’ latest scandal.
It’s a full-time job, trying to cover up his agents’ nationwide crime spree, almost all of which end in ignominy and scandal.
This week Wray absorbed his Congressional tongue-lashing from Sen. Rand Paul about the FBI’s use of the secret FISA courts while operating as the Democrat party’s secret police, an American Gestapo.
Wray laughably said the use of the secret Star Chamber-like FISA court “protected Americans.”
Surely he meant to say it protected Democrats, especially corrupt Democrats, like the entire top brass of the FBI.
Paul pointed out to the preening Wray that when their fellow Democrats invented the preposterous Russian collusion hoax, “You guys took it hook, line and sinker.”
Of course they did. Because they were on the gag. Just like those Pulitzer Prize winners at the newspapers.
The week before, it was Wray in front of a different Senate committee, apologizing for the agency allowing Dr. Larry Nassar to molest hundreds of young female gymnasts. See, the G-men wanted to get jobs after their retirement. Sound familiar?
Wray said he was “profoundly sorry” and “especially sorry” because the FBI agents’ mishandling of the cases was “inexcusable.” It always is with these hacks, isn’t it?
The week before, it was the “kidnapping” plot against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer that unraveled. The FBI broke that story a couple of weeks before the 2020 election to make it look like the dastardly deed was set up by Trump supporters.
It turns out there were more FBI agents than so-called militia in the “conspiracy.” The FBI picked up the tab for everything. The lead agent, whose social media was filled with vile anti-Trump ravings, was fired two weeks ago.
He’s charged with beating his wife after a wife-swapping party in Kalamazoo went bad. Again, does this all ring a bell? Remember the FBI lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page?
The FBI needs mandatory vaccinations — against Trump Derangement Syndrome.
If you’ve been in Boston for a while, this grotesque combination of corruption and incompetence is nothing new. The framing of four innocent men for a murder they didn’t commit, the Tsaranevs, the Gary Sampson ball-drop, two G-men in prison for organized-crime hits, six agents on the Mob’s payroll …
Now the rot in Boston has gone nationwide. As the satirical Babylon Bee put it in a headline last week: “FBI Admits It’s Really Hard to Solve Crime They Didn’t Make Up Themselves.”
We’ve come a long way from ABC on Sunday nights in the 1960s with Inspector Lew Erskine chasing real bad guys and then driving home in his Ford Mustang convertible as the closing credits roll.
There’s only one solution to corruption and incompetence this pervasive. Abolish the FBI.
You read it here first.