Time’s up on fake news ’60 Minutes’
CBS News has been a disgrace for decades, which explains why their ratings are lower than whale excrement.

Just cancel “60 Minutes.”
Get rid of it, once and for all. It serves no purpose, other than to spread far-left Democrat party agitprop, and it doesn’t even do that very well anymore. You don’t have to wait for Sunday nights to get fake news anymore. It’s everywhere.
It wouldn’t be the first time CBS pulled the plug on one of their scandal-ridden, fake-news TV shows. Remember, there used to be a second “60 Minutes.” It was called “60 Minutes II” and it ran on a weeknight.
Back in 2004, “60 Minutes II” decided to try to rig the presidential election for the unpopular Democrat candidate by running a totally bogus fake news story that they didn’t even try to check out.
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
In 2004, the fluffers at “60 Minutes II” used made-up documents to accuse the Republican candidate of dodging National Guard service during the Vietnam War. The story was debunked online within an hour.
CBS’s response, after being busted, was that the allegations against President George W. Bush were “fake but accurate.”
Then CBS canceled “60 Minutes II.”
And now it’s time to cancel the original. Seriously, who would miss “60 Minutes”?
When was the last time anyone not in a nursing home ever watched it for more than 10 seconds, even when it comes on after the late NFL game in the fall?
Trump’s lawsuit, filed in Texas, accuses CBS “News” of “gross broadcast distortion cover-up.”
In other words, another day at the office for the geriatric Democrat cheerleaders of “See BS.”
This time, “60 Minutes” stealth-edited the incomprehensible gibberish of DEI Vice President Kamala Harris. It was a failed attempt to make her appear to have an IQ at least only moderately below average.
Didn’t work, obviously, and just like in 2004, “60 Minutes” got busted again. Because they’re almost as dumb as Kamala Harris.
Of course CBS refused to release the unedited Harris tapes until they were basically forced to. Trump saw the raw footage, immediately upped his demands for reparations from $10 billion to $20 billion, and issued this statement on Truth Social:
“CBS should lose its license and the cheaters at 60 Minutes should all be thrown out and this disreputable ‘NEWS’ show should be immediately terminated.”
Immediately terminated? Most of the people who read probably didn’t realize it was still on the air – unless they’re football fans.
The problem now for all the trust-funded pukes at “60 Minutes” is that CBS is being sold, and that includes all their dismal owned-and-operated broadcast stations (which I daresay you never watch except for NFL football). So See BS needs the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to sign off on the sale.
The FCC is controlled by Donald Trump’s appointees. The chairman is named Brendan Carr, who I regret to say I’m not related to, because he’s doing a great job making See BS squirm, and the whole family is very proud of him!
CBS News has been a disgrace for decades, which explains why their ratings are lower than whale excrement. Just last fall, they ran a vice presidential debate. Only one of the two candidates was “fact-checked.” Can you guess which one? (Hint: he has a beard.)
It’s been this way forever. Former reporter Bernie Goldberg wrote books about how the network operated as far back as the 1980s. It was always PC to the max. They insisted that blacks be called “African Americans.”
There were floods or a hurricane in Jamaica and in his copy a reporter mentioned the plight of “black Jamaicans.” The CBS bosses insisted on changing “Jamaicans” to “African Americans.” Goldberg pointed out that they weren’t Americans, they were Jamaicans.
CBS didn’t care. They’re African Americans. This is CBS. Fake but accurate.
Now “60 Minutes” skews old, as they say. And I’m not just talking about the nursing-home audiences. The correspondents are mostly failed news readers from the failed Evening News show, like Dan Rather (finally ousted after the “fake but accurate” scandal of 2004).
The staggering number of bust-out CBS anchors is why there are so many “60 Minutes” correspondents – wrinkly, puffed-up empty suits like Scott Pelley or Norah O’Donnell that you couldn’t pick out of a lineup.
Some of these “news” people you occasionally come across on social media and your first thought is, “I didn’t know he was still alive!”
Or, “My God, she looks older than Andrea Mitchell!” (That would be Lesley Stahl, which at 83 is in fact five years older than Mrs. Alan Greenspan.)
When “60 Minutes” hacks are not being busted for peddling Very Fake News, they’re getting jammed up in sex scandals. Trump didn’t call them “cheaters” for nothing.
Remember Steve Kroft – he doesn’t turn 80 until the summer. Around the newsroom, his colleagues call him “The Kid.”
Kroft was caught tagging a woman 28 years his junior. The executive producer, who kissed Billy Bulger’s rear end and got a prime seat the next year at the St. Patrick’s Day breakfast, was ousted in another big scandal, after sending “inappropriate messages” to a young female staffer.
Sometimes, a media outlet has to just be put out of its disgrace and embarrassment. Not just “60 Minutes II.” Rupert Murdoch once had the top-selling Sunday tabloid in the UK – The News of the World.
It got embroiled in a “60 Minutes”-like scandal, over phone hacking. The Dirty Digger quickly shut down The News of the World. Nobody misses it. Nobody misses “60 Minutes II.” And nobody would miss “60 Minutes.”
Except for maybe Donald Trump. Because then he’d have nobody to sue for $20 billion. At least until the next news cycle.