Fact-check this, ’60 Minutes’ reeks!

At least three times in the last six presidential campaigns, “60 Minutes” has shamelessly peddled Very Fake News in their hysterical attempts to rig elections for the Democrats.

At least three times in the last six presidential campaigns, “60 Minutes” has shamelessly peddled Very Fake News in their hysterical attempts to rig elections for the Democrats.

In 2004, the comrades at “See BS” News ran a totally false memo about President George W. Bush’s military service. When the so-called journalists were instantly busted as lying frauds, they brushed off their lies by claiming their bogus memo was “fake but accurate.”

In 2020, the fellow travelers at “60 Minutes” claimed they couldn’t mention the Hunter Biden laptop because it was “unverified,” even though the FBI had known it was real for almost a year.

Now, this week, “60 Minutes” was back to their old dirty Democrat tricks, deceptively editing their slobbering interview with Kamala Harris to make her appear to be a sentient human being – good luck with that one!

In a pre-show tease over the weekend, “60 Minutes” ran a question to her about the Mideast, with her usual word-salad answer.

When the interview finally ran Monday night, the question was the same, but the answer was totally different. It wasn’t much better, but then, it’s Kamala, and you couldn’t make chicken salad out of chicken you-know-what.

This is why nobody watches any of the networks – broadcast or cable — anymore. But See BS is even worse than the rest of the Baghdad Bobs.

Look at the recent vice presidential debate. See BS said they wouldn’t “fact check” either of the candidates, but then they went after only Vance, and, of course, they botched the alleged gotcha.

That’s See BS News. When the news breaks, they fix it – wrong.

Just this week, the suits put one of their anchors (Tony Dokupil – never heard of him until now) through the wringer for daring to ask real questions of some racial arsonist who hates Israel even more than he hates white Americans.

The last two CBS reporters who were worth a damn were Sharyl Attkisson and Catherine Herridge. They both tried to do some real sleuthing, and were forced out because… See BS.

But even by CBS non-standards, “60 Minutes” is the absolute worst. In the old days, they used to get maybe 20 million viewers. Now it’s a fraction of that. In the fall, though, it sometimes comes on after the late NFL game, so a few sleepyheads who can’t find their remote controls may still watch a few seconds of it.

And that’s a shame.

The irony of this latest “60 Minutes” scandal is that it involves doctored video. You must remember, See BS isn’t “news,” it’s not even “TV news.” It’s “60 Minutes” news, so there must always be a villain.

For decades, the designated “villains” have known that the only way to avoid being slimed is to bring in their own camera crews, so you can dispute the fake news when it’s doctored, Kamala Harris style.

That’s the only reason we found out that Lesley Stahl told President Trump that they couldn’t mention the Hunter Biden laptop. It was Trump’s own camera crew that recorded that exchange.

Do you think Kamala had her own camera crew for her recent slobber-fest? Of course not.

There was no need to. The “60 Minutes” camera crew was her crew. They’d clean up any mess. And they did. They were just predictably sloppy about it, sending out the unedited version first.

Trump refused to sit for this year’s hit piece unless “60 Minutes” apologized for lying about Hunter’s laptop in 2020. Trump also objected to another round of one-way “fact-checking.”

So on Monday night, another one of their preening failed anchors, Scott Pelley, sneered about Trump’s fact-checking complaint.

“We fact-check every story,” he sniffed.

Can I fact check that? A long time ago, “60 Minutes” did a puff piece about a junkie murderer from Charlestown named Joe Yandle. He drove the getaway car in a Medford package-store holdup in which the owner was shot to death.

Yandle wanted his life sentence commuted because, he said, he was a Vietnam combat hero, Bronze Star, Purple Heart etc. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. Yandle never got closer to ‘Nam than Okinawa.

“60 Minutes” did the usual sob story. Do you know what their fact-checking was? Stories in the Boston Globe by… Kevin Cullen and Mike Barnicle, two infamous fake newsers.

So much for that vaunted “60 Minutes” fact-checking.

They always claim they do their own reporting. Mostly they just lift stories from other outlets, as they did with the Joe Yandle fake news. And they’re not too choosy, obviously, if they steal stuff from the Globe.

The New Yorker ran a puff piece about serial killer Whitey Bulger’s brother Billy. The next year, “60 Minutes” was there at the St. Patrick’s Day breakfast. Whitey, who was flooding the city with cocaine, came across as a lovable rogue.

It was appalling nonsense. And yes, they couldn’t even get the little facts right. They said James Michael Curley was from South Boston. (Roxbury, actually – not a big deal, but again, they brag about how meticulous they are.)

I’ve done okay by “60 Minutes.” I was once cast in the role of villain for the Jane Swift slobber-fest. They called me a “radio hitman,” which in my racket is a resume enhancer.

Then I was cast as a “victim” in their hagiography about a fat low-IQ thug of Whitey’s named Kevin Weeks. I was supposed to be stunned that he said he was going to kill me.

I’d already written the same thing in my own book – complete with an affidavit from the feds — which I would have been glad to show on national TV, to promote my own new book.

The problem was that the very ethical “60 Minutes” had cut a deal with Kevin Squeaks and his sleazy New York publisher who would soon be fired for giving a million bucks to O.J. Simpson.

On camera, I told Ed Bradley that I knew the corpulent coat holder wanted to kill me, but I didn’t think he had the stones. Edge to me on that one. But “60 Minutes” still wouldn’t even show the cover of my book – that was the deal they’d cut with the dodgy New York publisher.

Compared to what the lying and backstabbing “60 Minutes” has done over the years to Trump, or Bush, or even Gov. Ron DeSantis, back in 2021, I know what happened to me was no big deal.

But like anything else, when something bad happens to you, personally, it becomes the worst thing that ever occurred.

As for the worst thing that ever happened to “TV news,” I’d have to say “60 Minutes” is right up there at the very pinnacle. And that is a fact-checked statement.

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